Looking back, my first semester at college was pretty rough but things have really turned around this semester. I have not only learned things about myself as a person but about my family, my friends at home and my new friends here at college. I have had so many new experiences with so many different things and I'm here to tell you that it's all going to be ok. When I first started college, I had an image of what college was going to be like and for me, it was nothing like that. At first, it was hard to get used to especially being away from home but it gets so much better.
1. Don't worry too much about a bad grade!
In high school, I would always need to know what my grade was on an assignment as soon as it was graded. I would get down on myself if I got a bad grade or didn't do as well as I thought I did. I've learned that it's not worth it. If I get a bad grade now, I do get upset about it which is normal, but I tell myself that it's ok and that there are more opportunities to fix your grade in the class. Jobs don't look at what you got on your math exam in your second semester of freshman year, it's ok to not get straight A's.
2. Make time for yourself!
Don't put yourself above your school work! It's just as important to get enough sleep, eat and drink enough water than it is to get good grades in a class!
3. Put yourself out there!
During the first week of school, don't be afraid to go out of your comfort zone. One thing I wish I would've done my first few weeks of school was leaving my dorm room door open to meet people on my floor. The only way you're going to make friends is to get out of your room and talk to people.
4. Don't wait until the last minute to do your work!
It's not like high school, where you can pull an all-nighter and crank out that paper that's due tomorrow. Set a schedule and pace yourself when doing any kind of homework. I know that when I write a paper, every day I have a different task to complete so that when the due date comes up, my paper is already done.
5. Get involved
Make the most of your time on campus and get involved with as many beneficial clubs as possible. Not only is it a great way to meet new people, but it's also a great thing to build up your resume!
6. Don't let social media effect you!
When everyone gets to college, their first thought is to post as many pictures and stories as possible about how much fun they're having at college and all the parties they're going to. It's so important to not let these pictures get to you. When I first got to college, I started to compare myself to my friends at home and thought that, because I wasn't posting a bunch of fun pictures, I wasn't having enough fun. Well, that is completely false! Don't worry about what other people are doing.
7. The freshman 15 is real!
When I first got to college, I knew that it was so important that I watched what I ate and went to the gym. It's hard to balance eating healthy and having foods that you want to eat. It's easy to fall off track and gain weight at college and although staying healthy is hard, it's doable!
8. Sports are just as much fun as parties!
My friends and I LOVE going to games at my school and find that most of the time, it's more fun than going to parties. At the beginning of the year, it's a great way to meet people or go with people on your floor that you might not know. The games are super fun and a great way to spend your time with friends!
9. Always do extra credit if you can!
In high school, I found that a lot of my teachers offered extra credit for most large assignments however, I have had one extra credit assignment this semester. If your professor offers an extra credit option, no matter how good or bad your grade is, make sure you do it!
10. Make sure to network everywhere!
One thing I was always scared of before coming to college was talking to people in person. One thing I've learned is that the most important thing you can do in college is talking to people. It's so important to meet every important person and make sure you stand out because you never know who you will meet and who they know!