Freshman year is an exciting time in your life, but it can also be extremely nerve-wracking. Some people may glorify what your college experience may be like. I know I've heard millions of times that college "are the best four years of your life". While this may be true (and I've had a great time in college!), it may be the best THREE years of your life. Freshman year is a fun time, but it's also not as easy and breezy as it may seem. I wish someone would have warned me about what I would feel and encounter my first year at school. It will most likely be a rollercoaster of a year.
1. It's totally okay to get homesick
You might expect to get a little homesick when you leave for school, but never put yourself down for feeling VERY homesick. Some people are able to handle not being home with their family more than others, it totally depends on the person. It's 100% acceptable to get and feel homesick more often than you thought it would happen. You might need to call your parents a few times a day, or even take some weekend trips home. However, you want to make sure you aren't going home all the time. You want a authentic college experience just like anybody else!
2. College friends don't just appear out of nowhere
Because most freshman are required to live in a dorm their first year, that's an easy way to make friends right off the bat. However, those people might not be your 'forever' friends. Movies and TV shows make it seem like friends in college flock to you and try to be your best friend, but that isn't always the case. In some situations, you really need to put yourself out there in order to find your true group of friends. You could join a club, look into Greek Life, or just try to connect with anyone who has the same interests as you!
3. Don't think you have to know what you're doing with your life.
One of the beauties of being a freshman is that you have all of the time in the world to figure out what you want to do with your life after school. I remember meeting so many people my first year who thought they knew EXACTLY what they were going to major in and do. Fast forward to now, most of those people have changed their minds and majors. Your first year is a good time to figure out what you like, what you're good at, and what your passions may be. Don't stress about graduation, enjoy your time in school!
4. You actually have to study...seriously
Trust me when I say this; you're high school study habits will be no good once you get to college. Studying in college is like a whole new world. While I did try pretty hard in high school, I was never prepared for the countless hours I was going to spend in my school's library. It's always important to have fun while you're in school, but just remember the main reason you are at school is to obtain a degree and make your parents proud! You will have early mornings and late nights, and you will need to acquire a taste for coffee. Trust me, it will save you.