Freshman year of college is an experience unlike any other. I can honestly say I learned more than I ever thought possible in the 9 months I was away from home. Aside from the academics, there is so much more to college, whether you're 20 miles away from home or 700 miles from home like I was. So before you enter your first year of living on your own, here are somethings to keep in mind prior to going away to school.
People come from all different kinds of backgrounds. Luckily for me I was blessed to be raised in a nice home, with a loving family and my parents made sure I always was getting the best education I could get. Unfortunately not everyone had the same home life that I did. It might take awhile for people to become comfortable enough to open up to you, but once they do...listen to them. I mean really listen to them. Not only does it mean the world to people to have someone genuinely care about their life, but you also get a new perspective on so many things just from listening to other peoples stories. Also, no matter how different you think you may be from everyone, I promise there is someone fighting a similar battle as you, you just have to find them and it will surprise you how much you can learn from them.
Always say yes. College is full of opportunities and experiences, so try not to skip out on too many things, because before you know it, the year is over. Whether it's saying yes to going out t that party or saying yes to pizza and movies all weekend, no matter what you're doing, I can guarantee as long as you surround yourself with people who lift you up, your year will be full of endless laughter and countless memories.
You WILL get homesick. Just about everyone on my hall got homesick at least once throughout the year. It's perfectly normal; some people just express it differently. For me, my homesickness resulted in laying in my dorm bed with my blankie crying and looking at flights home. Luckily for you, my case of homesickness was a little more extreme than most. Sometimes the quickest cure for being homesick is just a change of scenery. Get a car full of friends and get out of the city where you go to school. Whether it's cruising down the interstate for awhile blaring music, going home with someone for the weekend or, just a day trip to the mall, your friends will be there for you to get you through your toughest breakdowns.
Your roommate probably won't be your best friend and that okay. But if you're lucky and the housing people inadvertently pair your with someone who couldn't be better for you, understand that it truly is a blessing. During most of my first semester I would intentionally avoid my room because of how intimidating I thought my roommate was, but towards the end of the semester and during second semester we became closer than I ever imagined. From sitting in our room laughing at Vines all night together, struggling to craft a cooler and going on spring break together, it's safe to say my roommate quickly became one of my best friends at school. So no matter how different you and your roommate are, give them a chance, they might surprise you.
You will catch yourself calling your 10x10 bug infested dorm room home. Not only will you start to think of it as home but you will actually miss it once you move out. Call me crazy but there's just something about sharing a room the size of your bathroom at home with someone that really brings people together. And once you're back at your actual home you will really appreciate and realize that your dorm room truly was your home away from home. So don't take a second of your freshman year for granted because it will be one of the best years of your life. also goes by incredibly fast.