Ah yes, my fellow college freshman, I'm overjoyed to say that this first year is coming to a close. Which means we somehow, against all of the odds, did it. Congrats! Yeah that's right, give yourself a pat on the back! Now to reflect on all of these fond (and maybe not-so-fond memories) I believe our man Tarzan can illustrate exactly how this year has treated us.
When it's move-in day and your giving yourself a pep talk to be super confident and friendly so your roommates don't think your weird.
But honestly on the inside you're absolutely terrified that your roommate(s) is going to look at you like the weirdo you know you are...
Then you have to say goodbye to your parents and you act like you're never going to see them again.
You go to your first party off campus, where you get completely drunk (it's your first time drinking). You wake up and realize you're missing your shoes and one of your earrings.
It's your first day of classes and you spend forever trying to find an outfit because you're so used to high school dress codes.
But then you realize everyone is just wearing t-shirts and sweatpants anyway!
Eating for the first time at the cafeteria not knowing how it's going to taste or if you're going to die from it.
But then you see that cute guy from Chemistry class and you're like:
And now the tragedy of Finals week has come around and you're completely overwhelmed with what to expect.
Once you've survived, you move on to your next round of classes and find the same person who was in your classes last semester and they finally speak to you.
Also, you find the cute guy from chemistry class is now in your English lecture so you sit in class like:
By the end of this semester, you start to lose all motivation and are really more worried about laying in bed, catching up on "Grey's Anatomy" and your friends are all like:
And then finals week swing around again and you still somehow are overwhelmed.
And then suddenly the day to move out is upon you and you have to say goodbye to all of your new friends like:
But once you finally arrive home for the summer and your parents see you at the door, you know you've been gone for way too long.