It's almost that time of year again, going back to school! Some of you will be going to college, the first step into your life and career! Going to college is an exciting time in life! You have freedom to do what you want to do, when you want to do it! Along with any freedom comes a huge responsibility. I still can't believe that one year of college flew by that fast! I remember the first time I went dorm shopping and bought so many things (half of which were useless), my first move-in day (including my parents getting emotional), and even my first college class! These are experiences that you will cherish for the rest of your life! Some of those experiences can be good or bad, but they will definitely teach you a lesson! Here are some things college has taught me:
1.) Let's start off with something I never thought would happen: losing contact with friends from high school. Most friends do separate after going to college and that is perfectly normal. If you don't want that to happen to you, the best thing you can do is plan a night out with them whenever you are home! This can consist of a movie night, a dinner night, or a day out at an amusement park! You all have different day to day lives, which makes keeping in touch very difficult. Don’t let the important ones slip through your fingers. Make time for the ones that matter - use phone calls, FaceTime, Twitter, Facebook, and other social media to share what has been going on in your lives.
2.) Once you get to college: budget your time! Time is limited on any given day. We have 24 hours to do what we need to do, and being a college kid takes a lot of work and sacrifice! Schedule everything you do to find a perfect schedule for you! It can be for homework, working out, or just eating! Laundry is something I had a problem finding time for! A small piece of advice: do your laundry at night at a set time each week! Usually there's no one there and it will take less time!
3.) Don't try too hard to fit in! Everyone in college has friends of their own, you will find some people just like you in no time! There is no such thing as a "cool crowd" in college, being yourself is just perfect!
5.) Get to know your professors: they are the ones who can give you that extra credit (refer to #4). Make a point of introducing yourself to your professors, especially if
you’re in a large lecture. Many times they’re incredible people who can
help you significantly in the future.
6.) Call your family often. They miss you a lot and even if you don't really want to admit it, so do you! Just a quick goodnight or a good morning goes a long way and may even make your homesickness a little bit better! I used to call my parents at least once a week and it worked out fine for me! I even surprised my parents after not coming home for a few weeks! It means a lot to them.
Last but not least:
Good luck to all the incoming freshmen out there! It's going to be a fun, and bumpy ride!