Your first year of college is a whirlwind of new experiences. Everything is interesting, challenging and unfamiliar, and we're just trying to figure out how to successfully land on all fours. None of us are purrfect, but we're just getting used to being on our own right meow. However, nothing beats college and few things are better than cat gifs, so enjoy the following felines portraying your freshman year.
When you move in before the first week of class and can't believe you're finally here!
Jumping into your lofted bed is gonna be harder than you thought.
When you "adult" for the first time and go grocery shopping and low-key feel really cool and independent.
At the beginning of the year, your promise yourself you'll stay on top of your homework, and for a while, it works.
But after a couple of months, that plan falls apart and you're rushing to get your huge research paper in before midnight ...
... and then you see your grade and wonder why you ever procrastinated.
When you're not even sure if your professor is speaking English at this point.
When you go out with friends and pre-gamed just a little too hard.
Eyeing that gorgeous young man from across the bar like:
How you feel inside while doing the walk of shame from aforementioned guy's place the next morning.
Freshman 15? Who, me?
Dragging your friends along to the gym with you because you're too unmotivated to go by yourself.
Feeling yourself while you're getting ready for your first formal.
The DJ is actually pretty lit and you are thriving so hard.
However, your friend had one too many and is hardly surviving so you have to be "mom."
Seeing your best friend after spending winter and spring breaks apart.
I've got four years of this madness. I love college!