Graduating high school and waiting through the dreadful summer before the first semester of freshman year is always the worst. I had a terrible summer before going off to college and I just could not wait to get in the car and not only start learning what I am actually interested in, but changing everything that I knew as the high school norm. No longer getting up at 6 a.m. every morning, a different type of workload, meeting new people and partying was my new routine. Meeting my best friends was the best thing that has ever happened to me. I never thought that I would end up being so close to people that I didn't even know existed before college.
1. Going out at 1 a.m. to get food seemed crazy to me when I was in high school, but now it's normal for weekend nights.
"Is anyone hungry? I could go for a cheeseburger," is usually how the night starts off with my friends and I. Once one of us is hungry, everyone else is hungry. It's been said that eating after 9 p.m. is bad, but if you've been staying up until almost 3 a.m. each night, you'd be hungry too.
2. I would run across campus for one of my friends if they needed me.
I've done it before and I'd do it again if any of my friends needed me to. Doesn't matter to me what it's about, if you text or call me saying you need to talk, I'll be there. I don't know if high school me would do that or not, but now I would do it in a heartbeat. I took my friend to the hospital at 2 a.m. once because her ankle was broken and we didn't leave the hospital until 7 a.m. You do what you have to do for your friends.
3. Staying in on a Friday night while watching 'Friends' and eating junk food is completely normal.
Before I got to college, I thought I was going to be partying every weekend, when in reality, two-thirds of the time my friends and I were usually lounging around while stuffing our faces with food. It's completely fine not going out each weekend.
So, freshman year is honestly your time to find what you want to actually do with your life. Take your time, do your work, make friends, and just have fun because freshman year is practically over now, and I know that college is going to fly by at this point.