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Student Life

5 Tips To Survive Your First Week Of College As A Freshman

After being a freshmen in college for just over a week, here is what I have learned from these first few days at school.

5 Tips To Survive Your First Week Of College As A Freshman
Sophia Otero

The first week of college was filled with lots of nerves, a new environment, and unfamiliar faces. Here are some of the things I learned during my first week of college that helped me adjust and adapt to a whole new world.

1. Make yourself at home.

Whether you are moving into a dorm or an apartment it is a completely new space. Blank walls and a plain desk can feel very unwelcoming. Adding a tapestry, string lights, comfy pillows, and pictures from home helped to make my new living area feel more cozy and homey.

2. Get involved!

At Temple University they had a wonderful event the first few days called Templefest. Here, we were able to walk around to a ton of different tables that were set up to promote all of the clubs and activities on campus. Make sure to check out your schools website for welcome week events. They are great ways to get involved and familiarize yourself with campus.

3. Make sure to take time for self care.


The first week of college can be very stressful but taking time for yourself is so important. During the day you will constantly be walking around, talking to people, and it can get to be a bit overwhelming. Treat yourself to your favorite food, make sure you are getting plenty of sleep, watch Netflix, do whatever to unwind after a long day of being out and about.

4. Stay organized

Here are some links to some adorable agenda pads


With classes starting up it can be rather difficult to stay on track and keep a list of everything that needs to be accomplished throughout the day. My best tip is to get an agenda and USE it. It can be so helpful to have a clear layout of everything that needs to be done that day. I love making lists and being able to check off each item once I have completed that task.

5.  Stay true to you

My most important piece of advice is to be yourself. I am at a college where only a couple of kids from my high school are also attending- this means I don't have the safety net of knowing people from home. It is so important when making friends or in social situations to be yourself. Remember who you are, what your values are, and everything else will follow. Although a popular quote is "fake it till you make it," when it comes to being genuine and down to earth I would certainly prefer being real rather than putting up a front.

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