As a freshman in college, I can say that my first semester has definitely been quite an experience. There are many new and exciting things about being in college like getting more freedom, meeting new people, and experiencing the beginnings of adulthood. However, there have been many struggles that I, along with other freshmen, have faced during our first semester. Not everything in college is easy or fun as you thought it would be. Check out the list and see if you too have had these struggles.
1. Trying To Wake Up For 8 a.m. or 9 a.m. Classes
You signed up for these classes thinking you would be able to get up in time since you got up even earlier in high school. Boy, were you wrong.
2. Getting Bored Of The Same Diner Food
Pizza, sandwiches, and pasta again? Wow, so great... not.
3. Taking Forever To Get Started On Homework
Getting the motivation to start assignments is tough. We have all been there when we say we are going to start an assignment and then hours go by and we still haven't started it.
4. Eating Snack Food On The Daily
Sometimes you don't want to go to the diner to eat, so what do you eat instead? Snacks from your dorm's junk food pile. The freshman fifteen is very real if you don't control yourself on your junk food consumption.
5. Laundry Issues
Okay, so laundry issues can include many things whether it is not even knowing how to do laundry correctly because your mom always did your laundry, or having faulty machines that spill water everywhere or don't dry your clothes all the way. Laundry in college is definitely not fun.
6. Throwing On A Last Minute Outfit For Class
That moment when you get up ten minutes before class and just throw random clothes on or even just go to class in your pajamas.
7. Having Classes That Are Too Far From Your Dorm Room
The disadvantage about having a big campus is that your classes can be all the way across campus and take several minutes to get there. At least you get some daily exercise in, right?
8. Binge Watching Netflix For Too Long
Just one more episode... until you realize you wasted your whole day watching your favorite show.
9. Figuring Out What Adulting Is
What even is adulting? How does one adult? No one knows. We are just kind of winging it.
10. Saying Hello To That Person Who's Name You Can Never Remember
Hey guy that is in my math lecture who's name I still don't know! Too bad I can't ask you for your name because it would be super awkward considering we are already halfway through the semester.
11. Staying Up Later Than You Intended
"I am going to go to be early tonight." Yeah, we have all said that at one point or another and then find ourselves staying up past midnight time and time again.
12. Realizing You Are A Poor College Student
In college, you realize exactly how much things add up and then next thing you know, your bank account is the lowest it has ever been.
13. Still Not Knowing Where Half The Things Are On Campus
When other students mention building or places on campus and you still have no idea where they are since you don't have to go there or have never been before.
14. Realizing That There Are People On Your Floor Who You Have Never Even Seen Before
There are always a few people that you never see on your floor because they are always out of the building or in their rooms. Then you have that awkward moment when you get stuck in the elevator with them and ask them "What floor?" only to realize that they have lived on your floor this whole time.
15. Sickness Spreading On Campus Like The Plague
Once one person gets sick, everyone starts getting sick. Make sure to carry hand sanitizer around to prevent you from getting infected with whatever is going around on campus.
Freshman year is fun, but it has some challenges along the way. You're not alone. You can make it through. Only three and a half more years to go.