Well friends, as this week starts coming to a close, my first year of college ends, too. My worst fears didn’t come true, I’m passing all my classes, and I actually have friends so it hasn’t been a complete disaster, I guess.
Academically, freshman year was a breeze. My classes this year were pretty easy, with a few papers here and there and group projects where people actually pulled their own weight. I think I only really hated one of my professors this year. Man, he really irked me. He was one of those professors who graded more of your writing style than content, like, I don’t know if you know this but this isn’t an English class, sir.
I think the hardest part of this year was the social aspect of everything. Moving to a completely new area, you have the opportunity of basically choosing who you want to be and be known as a completely fresh start. College is honestly just like a bigger version of high school. You know, like how in stereotypical high school movies, the track people only sit with the track people, theater kids with theater kids, kids who like anime sit together. You get my drift. You find yourself saying and hearing a lot of, “Wow, what is this, high school?”
It sucks because you really have to push yourself out of your comfort zone to find the right people. If any of you really know me, you know how much I hate people. Yes, it's true. A communications major that hates people. How ironic, right?
Anyway, you’ll find yourself going to the weirdest school events yet meeting the coolest people ever. You contemplate on going to parties even if they aren’t your thing for the sake of meeting more people. And don’t tell me being completely alone is an option. I’m not saying being alone is a bad thing. Hell, I even wrote an article about how awesome it is. Honestly, college is the perfect time to be alone. You find out a lot about yourself, the crap you do and the people you hang out with. So yes, to some extent be alone. But spending your college years in solitary 24/7 watching herds of people head over to a party is probably one of the most boring things ever.
I’m not going to lie, I made a good handful of stupid decisions this year. But do I regret them? Hell no. College is the one place where it’s okay to make a stupid decision and not be totally ostracized for it. College is so bizarre, but I wouldn’t be able to tell you why. It’s the little weird things like the people who come home from parties at ungodly hours screaming lyrics to the most recent hit song, the people who are always playing frisbee, and the weird little events that impact your college experience in a way you’d never thought.