If you are an incoming freshman there are some things you need to know that will make adjusting to the college life easier. I will be writing weekly about tips and cheats for a couple weeks that will help you make this adjustment smooth and easy.
As in incoming freshman you have to learn how you handle freedom, time, money, class, sports, roommates, life, decisions and more all at the same time. I know some of you are thinking I did this in high school or I went to a dual high school or I can handle this. But I am here to say almost all freshman come into college and are shocked to a degree.
Freedom is a big thing you will receive when you come to college. No parents when you come home every day breathing down your neck to do your chores or your homework or when to go to bed. Having this freedom can be a blessing if you can handle it and a curse if it handles you. If you don't have one I'd say get a wall calendar, planner or phone reminders or something you will look at every day to help you plan your days and time, whether you be on your phone or on your door desk, ceiling ,whatever. I personally I have a calendar on my door that I look at and use every day for class, work, training, whatever it may be. Having a calendar ,planner or something along the lines that you'll actually use EVERY DAY, will help you with your time management, help you determine when you can study and go have fun, when its time to study for finals or take a nap.
Classes no matter what the major is all something we have to endure and even survive, be it Freshman Comp, Intro to Psych, College algebra , Accounting II, Macroeconomics , or Geology. Let's go down the list. One, go over your schedule and make sure it's everything you want or need for the semester. If something is wrong, go see your counselor as soon as possible. Starting class and everything the teacher is saying is going over your head? Get a tutor, on almost every campus there is a program that will help with S2S tutoring or even other kinds of tutoring. Don't be afraid to ask for help from the teacher or teacher's assistant. Asking for help may and showing you want help may help a teacher at the end of a semester boost your grade that 1% that can give you a C or a B. Don't want to take the class yet? Then don't you need in most cases an average of 15 credits a semester will get you through your 4 years no problem. Can't have your GPA drop sometimes dropping a class can save a scholarship or athletic eligibility. But before dropping it make sure it won't affect you continuing with your major, sports or lose any eligibility.
Cheddar, moolah, the green paper we all seem to be lacking throughout college. Money is a big thing in college and most students never seem to have enough. Here are some tips to save and make money through your financial college-life struggle.
Shopping: the off-brand is always cheaper than the main brain and 9 times out of 10 taste exactly the same. The dollar store is your friend yes sometimes the quality isn't top-notch but it still will get the job done just the same as top-notch brands your wallet will thank you when you're done. Also, sick of your school's food or not finding it healthy or nutritious enough, cook your own food. Cooking your own food instead of going for fast food will save you hundreds.
Saving: Want to save money for a fun night on the town or for something special for yourself? Collect your change. Getting a change jar can change your life. Filling it up can add up to $100 or more depending of the size of your jar and can help plan and save for a great weekend away from school or shopping spree.
The tips I have given above are things I wish someone would have told me when I got to college. Tune in next time to learn what ways you can make money while at college or ways you can raise money to help you through college, how to handle roommates, cleaning, projects, exams, workstudy and more.