How The "I Can't Wait To Get Out Of Here" Turned Into "I Can't Wait To Come Home" | The Odyssey Online
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How The "I Can't Wait To Get Out Of Here" Turned Into "I Can't Wait To Come Home"

Tales of a homesick freshman

How The "I Can't Wait To Get Out Of Here" Turned Into "I Can't Wait To Come Home"

The final days of my senior year of high school were filled with some bittersweet tears and tight hugs, as I said goodbye to the teachers who inspired me and the friends who had been by my side for years. But at the same time, there was this undeniable sense of excitement.

I was going to college! And boy, I couldn't wait to get out of the small town where I grew up.

I was going to meet new people, join a sorority, be in every club possible, and get a degree so that I can do what I love. I could even take naps in between classes, and I mean, honestly, could it get any better than that?

Fast forward a couple months to September. I did all that I said I would, and I was happier than ever in the place that I knew I would love. As I was walking to breakfast one morning and looking over my busy schedule for the day, (Like I said, every club possible), I got a call from my mom. And it's this short two minute call that brings me to tears for the first time all semester.

You see, it turns out that in the past week, my brother had gotten a concussion in his soccer game and was most likely going to be out of for the rest of the season. As if that wasn't enough, one of our close family friends lost her job. And finally, the day before, my dad had fallen off the ladder in the garage, temporarily losing consciousness and breaking a rib.

Needless to say, that was a pretty tough morning.

It had been months since I had left the small town that I couldn't wait to get out of, but that was the moment that I realized that life back there was going on without me. I was missing my brother's games, missing time spent goofing off with my dad or shopping with my mom and our family friend.

And that was tough for me.

I found myself missing the same place that just a few months ago, I was bragging that I couldn't wait to get out of, and I had absolutely no clue as to why.

Somebody once told me that for the amount that I talk about my little brother, she was surprised that we weren't super close.

And that's true to a point. My brother and I aren't the type to go everywhere together or do everything together. He's still in that awkward stage where hanging out with his sister is uncool. But you don't have to go get ice cream together every day after school to feel as though a part of you is missing when you're apart.

I spent practically every day with these people for eighteen whole years. My mom held back my hair when I was sick, my dad made sure that I was the most spoiled eight-year old on the block, and my brother gave me a hug whenever I was seven and stupid and decided that going to go out and swim in my pool in October was a good idea. (Needless to say, it wasn't).

They're my people.

And even though I couldn't wait to get out of that small town that I grew up in and go change the world, or even though I've met my own group of people here at school that I can depend on, they’ll always be my people.

Who else will I binge watch criminal minds with when I'm not with them? Not everyone in the world is going to understand why I love Reid so much.

So that's how the "I can't wait to get out of here" turned into a "I can't wait to go home". Because I finally realized that my home isn't where I live or where I go to school at, but rather with the people who make it a home. Although a couple months ago I couldn't wait to get out of the small town where I had grown up and actually go places and do things, I now realize that it's tougher than I thought it would be to be three hours away from my people at all times.

That mythical and powerful being of "homesickness" that they always talk about in just about every college presentation ever, is actually a real thing.

And my advice to college freshman who are just finding themselves feel the impact of homesickness?
It's okay to feel homesick. I missed the smell of my room back home for the longest time, but you can't let it overcome you. Get involved, meet new people, find your home at school. It's okay to meet your new family here, and it's actually going to help whenever you need somebody to talk to or eat pizza at two in the morning with or cry over how much you miss your families together. Let your homesickness make your heart grow fonder and develop an appreciation for your family and that hometown you couldn't wait to get out of. Whether it's twenty hours away or fifteen minutes away, where your people are will be will always be your home.

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