Freshman Rachel,
People say college is the best time of your life. While that may or may not be true, these are definitely some incredible years, full of memories and growing up and learning how to do life. I know right now you're dying to graduate. I know you have no idea what career even interests you. And I know all you want to do at this point is drop out, get married to an awesome guy, have some adorable babies, and spend your days loving and caring for them. And those years will come. That time of life is approaching so quickly, more quickly than you can even imagine. And, gosh, I hope those truly are the happiest years of your life. But they aren't here yet. And that's okay.
During the next year, you are going to learn more about yourself than ever before. It's crazy how much better of an understanding you will have of life after a couple semesters on your own. So stop expecting the future to eventually, one day make you happy. You are here, today, for a reason, and I promise, even if you don't see it now, you will regret it if you wish away these years. And sure, it's only been a year since I was in your shoes, but I have some little pieces of advice for you that I wish I would have heard and believed.
1. It's okay that you have no idea what you want to do with your life.
I know the idea of having no clue what the future holds for you scares you more than anything. You're a planner; you want to have everything figured out. But you are so unbelievably young, and you have the whole world at your fingertips. This is the time in your life that you can honestly do anything you want. So when you realize your dream, chase it. And sometime in the future, if your dream changes, chase that one. It all seems so permanent and serious now, but there are things that matter so much more. It is all going to work out in the end, I guarantee it.
2. Don't be afraid; follow your heart.
You know that little voice in your head telling you that there has to be more to life than this? That you were made for utter happiness? Believe it. Follow it. If you aren't at peace, then take a leap of faith and change it. Of course there's that other voice. The one telling you that it's too hard, too different. The one tempting you to settle for mediocrity with the fear of the unknown. Ignore it. Sure, change is hard. It can bring tears and hurt, but those are just growing pains as you become the person you were created to be. Please, please, don't settle. The uneasiness won't go away until you follow your heart to something so much greater than anything you know. It will be worth it.
3. Be spontaneous and escape your comfort zone. Especially when it's scary.
Coming to college, starting new classes, meeting new people, it's all overwhelming. Such a huge transition can sometimes tempt you to cling to what you know, to what's comfortable. But do everything you can to resist that; there are too many amazing opportunities you could miss out on. Dive into new friendships completely because you are going to meet some incredible people that could become your lifelong friends. Don't shut down and miss out on this chapter of life!
4. Now is your time to grow and focus on yourself.
Right now, you aren't responsible for anyone but yourself. You are completely independent, and who knows if that will happen again in your life. All of those things on your bucket list that you're dying to do? Do as many as you can. Learn how to play the ukulele, go skydiving, study abroad. Take this time to become the woman you want your daughters to look up to someday. You can't just push it off because all these decisions you are making right now are forming the person you'll be in the future. Take every chance to grow into someone you can be proud of. That being said...
5. Don't take everything so seriously.
Sometimes things will go wrong. It's going to seem like the end of the world, but it's not. Your life is so much bigger than one bad week, one failed test, one missed opportunity. And it's just life. You don't have to be perfect, no matter what you think. There is so much beauty in imperfection. It's how you were created; you don't have to earn worth by having a perfect GPA or an impressive resume. Pour your heart into the things that matter, don't sweat the little stuff, and have the time of your life! It's going to fly by.
6. Trust. In. God. He's got this.
As much as you think you can handle everything on your own, you don't have to. Your plan is going to fall short at some point, and your strength is going to fail. And that is okay. You don't have to have it all together. But you do need to trust in God. It's terrifying to let go of control and expectations and give it all to Him. But He has such an amazing plan for you, even just in the next year. He loves you too much to let you follow your finite, imperfect plan, so when it goes wrong and you are left with no clue where to turn, look to Him. Where we fall short, He's working away at bringing about a life and strength we never knew we were capable of.
I can't wait for you to experience everything you are about to go through. The future holds so many laughs, tears, moments of understanding, and so much love. Live it up, and take it all in. Even though it may not seem like it from time to time, you have such a happy, full life; never take that for granted.
With love,
Your Sophomore Self