Alright incoming college students, you did it! You're finally at the point in your life that you didn't think was actually possible and it's pretty surreal. what? College is such a loaded word and when it comes down to it, we all want one thing: to make the four years we have some of the best times in our lives. As a pre-orientation leader for incoming students, I'm always asked for my one important piece of advice. Here it is:
Get involved in everything you possibly can. I whole-heartedly believe that the more involved you are, the better your experience will be. College is a time to learn about yourself and the best way to do so is by stepping out of your comfort zone, trying new things and meeting different people.
With that being said, here are 15 ways to branch out:
1. Think of what you are passionate about.
No, this doesn't mean decide what you're going to do for the rest of your life. That would be the most irrational piece of advice to give you. BUT, do take into consideration what your goals are. What's your focus? Community service? Social activities? Educational opportunities? If you're super ambitious then maybe all three. Just know that this will make your life so much easier when deciding what your priorities are going to be.
2. Pick three new things that interest you.
I'm all for doing what you're good at already and using your skills to better your community, but it's also important to never stop learning. Don't you want to be knowledgeable and skilled in different ways? Branch out and try something that you would never have thought about doing. You'll be surprised with what you learn and who you meet.
3. Go out of your way to stay informed.
There are going to be so many people trying to inform you of opportunities. So listen to them. Always know what's available to you so that you don't miss out.
4. Check your schools' website.
I know this one doesn't sound too fun, but it can be super helpful to have a full list of clubs and organizations when you're deciding what you should do.
5. Reach out to your professors.
Guys, this is something I wish I would have done way sooner. The professors within your major should be your go to when looking for something new to try out! Usually every major has several programs that students can get involved in. It'll give you better insight into what you might be doing in the future and it could also be a large factor in deciding if your major is actually right for you.
6. Look for on-campus jobs.
Again, this one may not sound too fun, but it's personally one of my favorites. There's nothing better than working alongside your peers. Sure you'll still be at work, but it'll never be dull and you'll be making some extra spending money (which we all desperately need).
7. Be involved in sports in some way or another.
If you play a sport...awesome. If you don't play a sport...still awesome. Go to the games with a big group of friends or join an intramural sport that you don't have to take too seriously.
8. Be aware of social spots on campus.
This could be the coffee shop, the academic quad or wherever else people tend to gather. Find these places, grab your laptop or a book and hang out there to get your stuff done.
9. Network, network, network.
The friends and acquaintances you make now will be the people you could possibly need in the future. Take advantage of living with your peers.
10. Open door policy.
If your RA tells you it's a good idea to leave your door open when you're home... do it.
11. Go to featured events.
You might not be up for the all-freshman events, presentations or the RA planned events, but if you aren't busy then why not go? You never know what doors will open by doing so.
12. Realize that everyone is going through the same thing.
I really believe the reason people shy away from branching out is because they're worried about what other people will think. Just realize that everyone is in the same boat and they all want to make friends and try new things just as much as you do.
13. Go greek!
I could go on and on, but if you're interested at all then I'd say at least try it out. There's so much you can get out of greek life and you can do as much as you wish within it to fit your schedule.
14. Apply yourself.
Sit and realize how big of a deal these opportunities could be and then make the conscious decision to act upon them.
15. Be open and take charge.
The bottom line is: you're going to get out what you put in. So start your college career with an open mind and be willing to put yourself out there.