I have officially been in college 7 weeks now. So far, I have learned so many beneficial things to living life at college. The things I have learned about making friends and keeping them is some of the most beneficial information. Maintaining friendships is difficult! Friendships take time and effort. Though without a doubt, friends can make or break your college experience.
Here are 3 things about friendship I have learned in the first month of college.
1. Be aware of “survival friends.”
"Survival friends" are those people you meet at orientation and stick to the first few weeks of school. You are friends to survive the first hard weeks of transition. Yes, they are beneficial because you may not know anyone else but, they typically don't last. Don't be afraid to let those friendships go and do not be surprised when they don’t stick. Being friends with someone is something that takes time, patience, and trust. Friendships rarely come instantly. On the flip side, don't isolate yourself and avoid making any survival friends. They will help get you through the first weeks of school but, keep in mind that it's okay if you realize you are not compatible. You don't have to stay friends with everyone.
2. It’s important to find friends that care about your emotional health.
It is so easy to see and assist people in physical need but, assisting people’s emotional needs can be sometimes tough. Seek out friends that care about your emotion needs. Do they ask you about your needs past the physical? Be intentional about noticing if they truly care about you in every state. Since moving away to college, I have noticed that some friends I have made care only surface deep. When you are having a rough day emotionally, having a friend that is there for you is simply amazing. Thankfully, I have made friends that will come into my room and get me up for the day when they know times are tough. Keep the look out for caring people.
3. Seek friends that are driven.
Being surrounded by friends that are driven is key. Having those fun spontaneous friends is always exciting but, being surrounded by only those friends can be toxic. Being away at college is crazy fun and it can be easy to forget you are there for a reason. That reason is to get a degree and learn. Surrounding yourself with driven people that will motivate you to succeed. It is a key to doing well at college, academically and commitment wise. Yes, it is important to have time to relax and have fun but, by making those driven friends, they can help in making sure you are spending your time wisely.
Lastly, it's important to put yourself out there! There are some amazing people at your college that may be waiting to be your friend.
Friends are essential to life, you need them and they need you.