I have come across a lot of people who are constantly on the go and think "time is money." I fall victim to this, as well; however, I have decided to change that mindset. The more I thought about that statement, the more I resented it because, let's face it, time is not money!
I believe in living a balanced life that maintains happiness. Doing so doesn't necessarily have to be scheduled. If you want to spend more time not being social, that's OK. If you want to spend a little extra money you may not have in your budget on a book or movie, then go ahead! It is not about how many steps you take in any specific direction as long as you are enjoying your journey.
A lot of death in 2016, unexpected and expected, has taught me a great deal about myself and my priorities. I do not have the same goals, hobbies or talents as others, so why should I try to fit my individuality into someone else's mold or mindset? It is perfectly normal to not have a stacked savings account, brand new car off the lot and a place to call your own. Life takes time, literally.
Relax. Breathe. Read a book over again or see a movie alone. Time is all you have in this world, no matter what anyone else says. Spend how you want to, with whom you want to and enjoy doing things that give you the most excitement.