There was a survey conducted by the Miami-based John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, 53 percent of those students are in favor of protecting free speech rights, while 46 percent say it's important to promote an inclusive and welcoming society.
This survey comes just 2 months after President Trump who had responded to incidents taking place on college campuses that are challenging free speech. because of these incidents the President has signed an executive order titled "Improving Free Inquiry, Transparency, and Accountability at college universities."
This order that was signed on March 21st, 2019, that will have all the nations colleges and universities defend free speech on campus or they will lose all federal funding.
We should have to have an order put in place to defend free speech on a college/university campus, free of speech is our right, and we should be able to express it no matter where we are at. The sensitivity of society today makes people walk on eggshells because they are too afraid of offending someone.
"In America, the very heart of the university's mission is preparing students for life as citizens in a free society," Trump said.
And for people to have to watch what they say around people is not right, you are trying to make people act a certain way that you approve of and want them to conform to what you want and you believe in.
People today are being told what they are or what they should be, they are more robotic than human, people will follow what celebrities and their political party say, how is this thinking and acting for yourself and being an individual.
Having our free speech threatened and being told what we can and can not say is just another way for the government to control people, and society is letting them. I'm all for being inclusive but to have to watch what we say around people because we don't want to hurt their feelings is just too much.
We have the right to express ourselves and to say what we are thinking, and for colleges/universities to tells we can't, this is a place where we are supposed to be able to be free thinkers and be able to tell people what is on our mind and how we feel about certain things.
So by taking this away, you are turning these students into drones and for them to follow all your rules and tell them how to speak and how to act.
People today are way too sensitive and should stand up for themselves more than just crying about it, and posting every little thing on social media. People get offended by the littlest thing and they have to post it on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.
People are going to say hurtful things it happens its life, but stop trying to take away our rights. We have them for a reason, we are individuals that have our own minds and free will. If you don't like it then just walk away.