Many think that Japanese rope bondage or shibari Is purely erotic.
People often toss the spiritual implications to the wayside. Assumption kills it off before people give it a chance.
To me, rope bondage can lively up yourself. Watching and listening to those that get tied, I see a solid relationship of trust at play. When the subject gives consent to the rope artist, effectively relinquishing control of their body, they are using this bridge of trust to release one’s spirit.
Or so they say.
What happens to the spirit when you halt the body? Does it come and spring to life? For some, it resembles a psychedelic trip. Everything goes white. You experience freedom from oneself. The space to be self-aware. You see things that you don’t normally discuss with yourself or others.
In anything we approach, throwing away assumptions before we interact can lead to unique and unforgettable experiences. Go in blank. Come out free.