Why are so many of us so scared to stand apart from the crowd? Why do we feel we have to throw a mask on to fit in? Are you afraid of being judged and being thrown into a box that does not even really matter at all when you look at the big picture? Do you want to be a prisoner? Wouldn't you rather live life!?
Everyone has their own path of life and is their own person. It is easy to get lost into wanting and being the standard, so you can seem "normal". Truth is there is no normal, but we constantly believe there is because we fall into this collective idea that we should all be somewhat alike. People get scared to seem different from everyone else because more than likely they are pushed to the side. If we aren't alike then we are weird or different or awkward. Stepping away from the group to show your true colors hurts you, but it also helps you. It is true, but it really does not matter. It is your life, and life is too short to be play the prisoner on the stage with others who also choose to be prisoners. There are people who have let their mind be free to choose to be themselves, establish their own viewpoints, actually be who they are, and then show that through their actions. The problem is that once that action or that person reveals to be different than the crowd then others push people aside due to fear. People fear what they cannot understand or get angry at someone for doing something they believe they cannot do. I say believe what they cannot do because they are blocking themselves from their own greatness because of their own insecurities that they haven't faced yet due to their own reasons for doing so. People are much more comfortable conforming and being prisoners to the standard because it is easy. It is easy because everyone is doing it, the answers you are looking for about things like jobs, what to like, what to not like and the list goes on, are right there because it is a script that everyone is reading off of.
I am challenging you to throw your script away and free yourself from those chains. It is hard to feel them or even notice they are there because you got used to them. Choose to open your eyes to the truth. The truth is that we are all different and this script we have been giving to read off of for what to say, what to do, and how to act isn't right for any of us. We are just people still learning is all. Cannot learn if you choose to stick to your chains, so free your mind, soul, heart, and ultimately yourself from these chains. Live freely and see who you truly are because you only have one life, so why not live it freely?