Bohemian Rhapsody's Portrayal Of Freddie Mercury's Sexuality Was Twisted | The Odyssey Online
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Bohemian Rhapsody's Portrayal Of Freddie Mercury's Sexuality Was Twisted

The movie seemed to make Freddie look like he was this ruthless human who was constantly sleeping around with other men.

Freddie Mercury

Previously to seeing the Movie 'Bohemian Rhapsody' I had been a fan of the British band Queen for years, growing up with parents that were teens-young adults in the band's peak years. Freddie Mercury was a true inspiration not only to myself personally but to so many other people, especially in the LGBT community.

The movie mainly focused on the band's career, from the startup of Freddie joining and changing the name to the last show they played together for Live Aid in July 1985. Though this is true the movie also added in a lot about Mercury's overall personal life and the struggles that he faced growing as an individual and with the band.

Freddie Mercury though dated Mary Austin admitted to being bisexual to her, and then came out as openly gay in later years. Though Mercury never officially stated to his fans that he was gay during his peak years in queen the erotic and androgynous nature that was Freddy Mercury was only to be assumed.

Within Bohemian Rhapsody, Freddie is seen as this wonderful man to his fiancé that had urges and soon affairs with men from all around the world. This may have been true but the overall depiction of Mercury's sexuality within the movie was a bit askew. The movie seemed to make Freddie look like he was this ruthless human who was constantly sleeping around with other men. This was not all he was.

Freddie Mercury has to be the most iconic openly gay person that I know of from the 80's and beyond. During this time period, it was clearly looked down upon to be apart of the LGBT community let alone be from the background he was from. Growing up his father was seemingly always hard on him and wanted him to do his father proud according to the movie.

As a member of the LGBT community, I feel as though it is important for it to be said that though Freddie was seen as this overall iconic person Mary said it best when mentioning that his life was going to be very hard. He fought through until the very last day to be the best person that he could possibly be and that is the most important.

Freddie was the most himself when on stage and Bohemian Rhapsody portrayed that very well. I am no movie buff or an expert on Mercury but I did see the movie and these are just my personal opinions. Between the outfits, the dancing, his singing and everything in between Mercury was the best live concert performer to ever live thus far.

Life for anyone in the LGBT community is hard but simply living up to how you were born and being happy with who you are is really the only thing you can truly do. So thank you, Freddie Mercury, for making me feel a little more connected with myself and to feel a little more connected to you as well. You are deeply missed and will forever be remembered.

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