It doesn’t matter what your style is, whether it is charming or courtly. Fraternity bow ties will distinct you as a gentleman. You can express your style in many ways such as college stripes, fraternity logo, paisleys, plaids and the list goes on.
Fraternity bow ties are made of silk fabric, yet the fashion statement that it projects is very strong. Fraternity bow ties are a fancy clothing item, not only to be worn on fashion runways, but has now become part of the mainstream fashion scene. It was only a few years ago, that it was only worn by the social conservatives. Bow ties will soon take center stage. It is the best alternative to coat and tie.
Fraternity bow ties have been pushed into the limelight and latest fashion trends. It is no more, part of the old man’s favorite. The younger generation is becoming more susceptible to bow ties. In fact, the young ones are daringly using bow ties while keeping their wild ways - intact.
Jonathan Snyder, a writer for Southern League Magazine, said, “Wearing a bow tie is an easy way to set the bow tie wearer apart from the proverbial crowd. A “bow” dresses up a mundane suit on Monday. A bow creates a stir upon arrival at a fashionably-dull gathering. A bow invites conversation at networking events. A bow tells the bartender you’ll take your bourbon on the rocks. A bow tells the band at a wedding that you’re ready to party."
The History
The bow tie originated among Croatian soldiers during the Prussian wars of the 17th century: the Croat soldiers used a scarf around the neck to hold together the opening of their shirts. This was soon adopted under the name cravat, derived from the French for "Croat", by the upper classes in France, then a leader in fashion, and then thrived in the 18th and 19th centuries.
We don’t know whether the cravat then evolved into the bow tie and necktie, or whether the cravat gave rise to the bow tie, which in turn led to the necktie. Although the necktie is more prominent in today's society, being seen at business meetings, formal functions, schools, and sometimes even at home, the bow tie is making a comeback with fun-formal events such as dinner, cocktail parties and nights out on the town.
For me, I absolutely adore bow ties, and I think the majority of sorority girls love the “fratty” outfit, too. There’s something about a sharped dressed man in a bow tie. Maybe it’s just the southern charm of it.