As a sorority member, I’ve gotten ridiculed endlessly for being “basic” and “stereotypical,” but as I sat in my cozy bed drinking my daily Starbucks, I had a revelation: fraternity members are just as stereotypical as we are.
1. Wardrobe
One could accuse the sorority girls on campus of not owning anything but Nike shorts and leggings, and I’m for sure guilty of fortifying this stereotype, but have you every noticed what fraternity guys wear? If this guy is a pledge, I’m willing to bet my life that he’s wearing khakis and a button down, or maybe even a suit and tie. Oh, so he’s an active? He’s wearing PFGs, a Greek t-shirt, and loafers. Bible.
2. Beverage of choice
My Starbucks gold card is a dead giveaway to my basic white girl tendencies, but frat guys all across the nation are basic betches when it comes to their beverages of choice, too. On game day weekends, I can assure you that any frat guy will have his painted cooler filled to the brim with Busch Lite, or if he’s really feeling crazy, a little Evan black. So basic.
3. Vocabulary
Every sorority girl is guilty of throwing out the occasional “can’t even” or Mean Girls quote from time to time, but have you ever realized that fraternity guys have a stereotypical vernacular as we do? I can’t count the times I’ve heard an eager pledge refer to their future Greek home as a “frat castle.” Also, let’s talk about how much guys like to compare their manhood by one-upping each other’s drunken stories or tales of heroic high school football games.
I hope this perspective takes away from the ridicule that all sorority girls have experienced due to their love of Starbucks and actually dressing comfortably for class, sheds light on the basic frat guy lifestyle, and more importantly, gets guys to stop referring to their affiliation’s house as a frat castle.