I am called Monster.
Isn’t that what I really am? Who can know me well enough to call me Monster?
I look around alone and secluded. No one can get past my monstrosity. They just call me Monster.
My creator abandons me. I flee from his sight. Am I not his Adam? No. I am his Monster.
I look around and see them living life. They may not be rich, but they might not see me as a Monster.
Take a chance. What can I lose? He won’t see me as the Monster.
They saw me. Not what I hoped. I will go in search. For I will find someone who doesn’t think I am a Monster.
I took a chance. Heaven knows I am not a Monster.
In Frankenstein, a monster is created. Is he really a monster though? He is a misunderstood creature and rejected by everyone because he is different.
The Creature is brought to life by Frankenstein. He was a creation like no other. His life brought about through lightning was monumental, and yet he was not viewed as a master piece but a monster.
He was abandoned by his creator and rejected by society. He was a scary monster that wreaked havoc throughout the book. He was isolated and lonely. His difference from humans was the factor that made him so isolated and shunned by everyone.
If you are different, don't let others bring you down because you are don't blend into the crowd. Know that your Creator is not like Frankenstein. He never abandons you or turns His back to you. He made you with intent and His design was perfect. Your creator loves you and made you His master piece.
Even if you feel you have fallen far from grace and you feel abandoned by your Creator, know that your Creator is always there and will always accept you with open arms.
You will never become the Creator's monster.