Francis J. Underwood: anti-hero, ruthless, manipulative, relentless, calculating politician.
F.U. The initials are fitting for a man hungry for power and control, a man so ruthless and cold that he is willing to lie and even murder anyone who dares get in his way. F.U. is layers of false promises and placating smiles. The initials embody all that is Frank Underwood: F.U.
The fourth season of House of Cards is set to release on Netflix on March 4th. Over the past few years, we have ravenously watched Frank and his equally conniving wife Claire rise to the top, a swath of carnage in their wake. Jagged threats, timely deaths and biting words encapsulate the Underwoods’ journey through Congress and up to the presidency. Frank is never one to shy away from a verbal smackdown. So, add a little Frank your life.
1. When your professor tells you “attendance is mandatory”
2. When your professor says the textbook is recommended, but not required
3. When your TA tries to boss you around
4. When your class votes to not push the test back
5. When your professor randomly assigns the members of your group project
6. When you want to sound like an overachiever (best used when ordering a Trenta Americano at Starbucks).
7. When you meet your best friend’s “other best friend”
8. When someone tries to cut the Chik-fil-A line
9. When you see high school students on your campus
10. When you blow off studying to binge-watch Netflix
Until March 4th!