Franciscan’s alcohol policy is strict, but not nearly as strict as some of the smaller Catholic colleges like Kansas’ Benedictine, California’s Thomas Aquinas, or Virginia’s Christendom. So if anything, it does have that aspect going for it; it could be so, so much worse.
Now I understand that Franciscan is a Catholic school, and that means they want to promote the best Catholic lifestyle; I think that’s fantastic (no sarcasm). Some of their policies seem a little extreme to me though, and I’m not the only one who thinks so.
I tried to talk to the board (I even wrote a letter to the president) a few years ago, and everyone was super understanding and willing to listen to me… Until they realized the problems I wanted to address were about the school and not my soul. I wanted was to have a civil discussion about the policies that seemed a bit micromanaging (and it wasn’t just me, I made petitions and got dozens of signatures), but I was denied an audience. Twice.
They didn't want to hear what I had to say, so now everyone will.
Let’s take a look at Franciscan’s alcohol policy, shall we?
On page 44 of their Student Handbook (at least, that’s what page it was in my year), it said: “As a general rule, alcohol may not be consumed outdoors on University property or in any indoor public locations [except for “special, one-time events”]. Open containers of alcohol may never be transported from the facility in which they were served.”
Doesn’t seem too bad, does it?
Well, it’s a little more oppressive than that.
1. The amount.
You’re only allowed to possess a certain amount of alcohol (when I was there, it was something like either one six-pack of beer, or one bottle of wine, but not both; I’m may be a bit off). They’re very strict on how much you have in your room.
2. The location.
This not only applies to where you drink it, but where you leave it. You can’t drink in public (except certain social events where you provide your 21+ ID), you’re expected to drink in your room with the door closed. And no opened alcohol is supposed to be anywhere; ever.
3. Who you drink with.
If your roommate is a minor, you can have a little bit of alcohol in front of them, but not in front of their friends. And if you want to have a drink with your significant other on campus, you're screwed. Doesn't matter that you're both 21, doesn't even matter if you're both responsible drinkers because you're not allowed to drink anywhere but behind the closed door of your room as if it's a sin.
4. The size.
They actually have a rule about what your alcohol comes in. Certain bottles (literally bottle shapes, not the contents) aren’t allowed. I don't know.
All of the above applies specifically to the dorms, and as I never lived in a height, I’m not sure if the alcohol policies are different up there. I imagine it isn’t very much so.
Oh, and don’t forget about the Franny AA meetings you're forced to go to if they decide you’re an alcoholic.