Warning: Spoilers ahead.
Who’s the best role model out there today? For some, it’s their parents; for others, it’s a certain professor they aspire to be like; and some people enjoy trying to live as Jesus teaches us to in the Bible. Now, there’s nothing wrong with any of these ideologies if that’s your thing, but I believe there’s an even better option: Francis J. Underwood.
For anyone who doesn’t recognize that name, Frank is the main character of the Netflix original series “House of Cards.” The role is played by Kevin Spacey, and he does a spectacular job of portraying the character. Of course, for those of you who have seen the show, you might not agree with my assertion that Frank is a genuine, good role model. However, let me make my case.
First of all, take a look at the way he composes himself: he’s confident in his steps, his head is always up looking to the future and, I have to admit, the man knows how to wear a suit.
But even more than that, think of the personality characteristics Frank personifies in the show: determination, steadfastness, fearlessness in the face of adversity. Now I can’t speak for everyone, but I’d be willing to bet that most people would like to have these personality traits at their disposal.
A lot of people out there are already capable of using these qualities in their everyday lives, so who would need someone as subjectively horrible as Frank Underwood to be their role model? Someone who is too subjective in their line of thinking of course! Frank is the definition of objectivity; he will literally do anything to get what he wants, no matter who or what stands in his way. “Oh, Peter Russo wants to come clean and fess up to everything? I’ll kill him! Oh, Zoe Barnes has pretty much figured out my whole plan? I’ll push her in front of a train! Oh, Lucas Goodwin is close on my tracks? I’ll get him thrown in prison for the rest of his life!”
Now, that may be a rational way for Mr. Underwood to take care of things, but he lives in a highly dramatized and exaggerated world. We can’t just go around murdering and screwing people over just because they hindered our progress. No, the lesson to be learned here is not that a cut-throat personality will make you successful, but rather it is beneficial to remember the big picture, whatever that may be for you. Frank wanted to become the president of the United States, and he does just that. In the end, you need to do what is best for yourself as Frank does.
Let’s think about this: is Frank going straight to Hell when he finally passes? I’d put money on the fact that the Devil probably has a seat right next to him for Francis once he gets there. Then again, Frank doesn’t believe in all of that religion stuff, so I don’t think he’s too worried about it. He doesn’t let the commonly held fear of death stop him from moving forward. Fearing the inevitable end that all humans must face is simply a waste of time.
With his overwhelming confidence, determination and fearlessness, Frank Underwood is by far one of the best role models for those who need to think more logically rather than emotionally. Of course, I’m not telling anyone to start killing people left and right, but Frank’s methodologies are something to think about. Hopefully, I’ve been able to convince some of you that Frank can be idolized at least a little bit, and if you haven’t been convinced yet: best of luck but be sure to stay out of my way.
Season four of the hit drama comes back later this year on March 4, so be sure to catch up if you haven't already or watch the whole thing again in preparation. You know I will.