Frame Straightening: What It Is and if Your Car Needs It
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Frame Straightening: What It Is and if Your Car Needs It

Many things could have happened to your car if you got involved in a recent auto accident.

Frame Straightening: What It Is and if Your Car Needs It

It could have caused damage to your car's frame and forced it out of alignment. On the outside, you may not see any major damage, only scratches and dents. However, underneath your vehicle could lie extensive ruin that can render your car unsafe for driving and making it more vulnerable to meeting other road accidents.

In this case, repair specialists are the best people to go to and have your car inspected. They offer a variety of services, including frame straightening, which is the process of correcting any car frame defects. The process is not easy as it requires precision, but car frame straightening can yield positive results if done properly.

Signs of Car Frame Damage

Sometimes, car accidents do not cause visible damage. Often, it will take you several trips before you realize that something is wrong with your automobile. Below are some signs that can help you identify if your car's frame is damaged.

1. Visible Damage

Sometimes all that is needed to find damage in your car's frame is a quick inspection. Some signs are obvious like cracks, creases, and rust, but if you don't find these on the frame, check the underside of your auto and look for any missing or bent components.

2. Crooked Driving

Poor wheel tracking is an indication of damage to the car's frame, said an auto body shop in St. Petersburg FL. This refers to the condition where you're driving straight but your car turns in the opposite direction. This can be quite dangerous, especially in high-traffic areas.

3. Unusual Noises

Unusual noises such as creaking or squeaking can also be due to a damaged car frame. Although they may seem harmless, these noises can be a sign of a bigger problem that needs immediate attention.

4. Worn-out Tires and Suspension

Although these car parts do get worn-out over time, a damaged frame can hasten the process. When this is the case, it will make it difficult for you to drive and may even lead to a loss of vehicle control. This will obviously increase your chances of getting involved in an accident.

5. Inflexible Trunk and Doors

When the frame is bent or damaged, the different parts of your car can fall off the ground, including the trunk, doors, and hood. The frame is the foundation of your car and any damage to it will affect the bolts, mounts, hinges, bolts, and locks.

6. Vulnerable Frame Parts

Many components comprise the car frame. It is important that you identify which components are damaged so repair specialists can determine if standard frame straightening procedures will be able to correct any misalignments. Some of the components that you should inspect immediately after an accident include the support core, fire wall, rocker panel, strut tower, rear support, hood quarter panel, and the A, B, & C pillars.

How Frame Straightening Works

Frame straightening usually involves two general steps. Here's a brief overview of how auto body shops do it:

1. Damage Assessment

The car is first placed on a platform to allow for a thorough assessment of its frame with the use of specialized equipment. The estimated cost and time required for repairs will then be given. At this stage, most auto body shops usually prepare an action plan for all repairs that might be required.

2. Damage Repair

Auto body shops can provide basic repair services for minor or superficial damage to the frame. On the other hand, if there is extensive damage, frame straightening might be necessary and will normally require the use of a special machine. This will also require the services of skilled and experienced car repair specialists.

Frame Straightening Effectiveness

Frame straightening can restore your car's basic function to drive after an accident if done correctly. Many damaged car frame cases can be resolved if the appropriate frame straightening method is used. However, this is not always a surefire solution because there are cases when selling the vehicle parts or junking your car is the best option for you. It's best to talk first to an auto body repair expert to find out if your vehicle is still safe to drive following frame straightening,

Key Takeaway

A car frame damage is one of the results of a road mishap, but this might not be visible right away. The damage will eventually manifest itself and you'll notice this through such signs as crooked driving, strange and unusual noises, inflexible car doors, and early suspension and tire wear.

A specialist in frame straightening will normally handle damaged car frame cases and will initially do a damage assessment before performing the needed straightening repair. Although the process has a high rate of success, not all damaged cars are given frame straightening. This will still depend on the extent of car damage, so it's best to discuss your options first with a repair specialist who will determine if frame straightening for your vehicle is a viable idea.

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