July 4th is a holiday that many anticipate well. Some cannot wait for the delicious food, while others just want to enjoy a nice holiday weekend off to spend with the people they care about the most. Then you have others who cannot wait for the loud bangs, sizzling pops and starbursts of color that we all associate with fireworks. The Fourth of July is a pretty special event, for many different reasons, and everyone certainly has their favorite. Here are a few things that everyone can enjoy during this holiday weekend!
1. Fireworks
Almost everyone loves a good fireworks display. The sounds, the smell, and more importantly, the sight, is what makes fireworks a really big hit during this weekend. Kids are content to watch the big explosions set off in the air, or run around with a glowing sparkler in hand.
2. Cookouts
What is the Fourth of July without some good ole' food? Whether it is grilled food, barbecue, or even the favorite staple of hamburgers and hotdogs, the food on this weekend is usually phenomenal.
3. Loved ones
You cannot have a cookout without surrounding yourself with the people you find nearest and dearest to you. Family and friends make celebrating July 4th that much more fun!
4. Swimming
Most of the time, July 4th tends to be a hot affair... literally. So taking a dip in the pool is a great way to cool off. Take advantage of any local pools in the area that may be open!
5. Partying
Partying is just taking the cookout to a whole other level of fun. An older crowd, some music, and adult beverages.
6. The beach
Though potentially crowded in certain areas, the beach is a great place to go during the Fourth of July. Relax in the sun, toes in the sand, and in some places, they may even have fireworks over the water. Now that's a sight to see.
7. A weekend off
Some lucky ducks are able to get the entire weekend off during the Fourth of July! All that means is more days to relax and celebrate! And to those that do have to work during the holiday, keep on pushing on! You'll be off and free before you know it!
8. Camping
Another activity full of fun! Many people hitch up their campers, or throw the tent in the back of their vehicle, and hit the road to head towards a campsite. The great outdoors can be really refreshing on the weekend.
9. Stay at home
There's nothing wrong with not wanting to go out and do anything during this holiday weekend. A lot of people will be out and about. Stay at home and relax!
10. Independence
July 4, 1776 is nationally known as the day that the United States of America was declared an independent nation. The Declaration of Independence was "signed, sealed, delivered." We owe much to this day, and for that we celebrate!
For me, the Fourth of July means time well spend with family, friends and loved ones all around. There's great food, a nice dip in the pool, and a spectacular firework display to end the night. Without the independence we gained those many years ago, I may never have been able to enjoy the freedoms I do today. You may never have either, and that is something to think about.