Surreal, truly. I felt painted right into the image of the holiday as held in the mind's eye. People of all ages mill about with a similar thread of cheer woven between them all - dogs, most wearing patriotic pup outfits, are in abundance. Firetrucks, large and shining in the humidity are parked with smiling firemen who let little ones hop in the front seat. Bikes and scooters decorated with red, white, and blue are backed by the voice of the parade leader in Central Gardens in the heart of midtown Memphis while brass chirps melodies of America. The Fourth of July demonstrated in healthy national pride while a sense of what this country really is, an assimilation of such a variety of different people, and yet, as I gazed upon this scene, red and blue snow-cone in hand, I felt trepidation for the future. The election approaches and I personally don't feel very secure in our candidates.
Our nation is a precious, precious gift. It is far more than this -country- ,but it is this entity that has been paid for in blood, in sacrifice, . Our nation has gone through great strife, great success. Our nation has had schema awry, adjusted itself time and time again. America is both our motherland, and also like a child that we are all responsible for protecting. Her rich history and the face of democracy and independence must be safeguarded. Knowing this in my heart, it pains me to sincerely wonder whether or not our next president will also know all this about our nation and treat it with the gentle respect it deserves. Immature banter and constant discomforting messages do nothing but make me yearn for a great to appear and guide our nation in the modern day world that contains so many variables to manage.
America needs to be held tender, with compassion. Its people suffer; they toil in misunderstanding and disputes. Its beauties are not cared for as they should be (anyone else hear about the ocean?) The people who set our nation on its feet, the men who handcrafted each leg of the table on which the United States of America sits, how would they feel to see about where we are now. We are not in shambles, but ignorance and turning blind eyes are not an option. United we must be, move forward we must do, but with selfless leadership propelled by the goal for the nation's health, peace, and progress.