We live in a nation where there's literally hundreds of holidays for every sort of reason, political or religious. We live in a nation that allows us to celebrate those holidays freely, without fear of being killed for what we do. We live in a nation that breeds people with pride and freedom pumping through their veins. We live in a nation of independence that is not only celebrated on our independence day, but every single day of the year.
America, although corrupt in our own ways, is a nation full of people who take pride in being exactly that, being an American. It is a nation built off of sacrifice and triumph, immigrants and ancestors, brotherhood of man and the fighting it takes to maintain that. It is a nation that proves to be stronger than its enemy's force and that is all because of our Armed Forces.
From our very beginning, we've had to fight for our freedom. We fought for our independence and now that it's earned we fight to keep it that way. Those who fought in the battles, lost their lives in the fields, made ammunition and weapons, and who gave the nation their all are the reason that we can say that we live in the land of the free.
From a young age, we're instilled to say the pledge of allegiance every day, take off your hat during the national anthem, and to place your hand over your heart while doing those things. We are taught to salute a veteran or active soldier, never let the flag touch the ground and when it's folded, it is folded into a triangle. We are taught that the flag is symbolic of the thirteen original colonies and the stars represent all fifty current states. We are taught about our nation's start and the strength it took to get here.
From a young age, we take pride in our nation. We take pride in our country's past and present and hopeful future. That's what makes Independence Day the best holiday our country has to offer. It is a day that allows you to celebrate your freedom just a little bit more publicly and excessively than usual. It's a day that truly does bring the people of the country together. Neighbors come together with cookouts, there's parades in every state to celebrate their veterans and local successes as Americans, and there's fireworks to light up the night sky similar to the fire of cannons from nights in the revolutionary war.
The day in itself is so symbolic of America's past, present and future and the love that we have for our country. That is why there's no better holiday in the world to celebrate. God Bless The USA.