Fall has officially arrived and so have the usual trends and traditions that come along with it. It is a season complete with pumpkin flavored everything, boots, nice weather and the holidays! Everyone’s hair stays straight, outfits are much cuter, and Instagram is filled with colorful leaves and bonfires. It’s no secret the start of fall is every girl’s favorite time of year. Here are a few seasonal activities and behaviors of every girl during fall, as told by "Scream Queens":
1. Purchase every fall-scented candle available.
There is nothing better than the smell of fall in the form of a scented candle. Candles that smell like leaves, candles that smell like pumpkin, and candles that smell like a sweater all smell amazing.
2. Drinking Pumpkin Spice Lattes and Snapchatting it every time.
There is no way a latte with pumpkin is being enjoyed without the rest of the world knowing it. They’re only around for fall so get them while you can!
3. Taking a picture at a pumpkin patch.
This is the most common photo op that takes place during fall. Every picture is accompanied by a not so original caption and almost every pumpkin featured was not actually purchased.
4. Purchase every shade of seasonal lipstick.
Deep purple, dark red, or brown, no matter what color is popular that season, every girl will purchase and wear it every day.
5. Taking a picture while carving a pumpkin.
“How cute am I carving this pumpkin?” “Look at my adorable outfit and the pumpkin seeds perfectly placed.” What every picture really says about a pumpkin that was not actually carved.
6. Start planning a week’s worth of Halloween costumes.
In college, Halloween is not just a day; it’s a weeklong event. Costumes need to be easy, hot, and cheap. Planning ahead of time is necessary.
7. Getting to wear cute sweaters and thick headbands with every outfit.
Throwing on jeans, a cute sweater, and a headband over un-brushed hair, what could be better?
8. Informing everyone on Instagram what they are thankful for while also showing off their Thanksgiving dinner outfit.
“I’m thankful for my dog who cuddles with me every night.” Is the caption to a photo of a girl featuring her dog way down in the corner, almost not in the picture.
9. Going Black Friday Shopping, mainly for themselves.
Black Friday is the gift granted to young adults as a time to get away from the family. Everyone says they are going to buy Christmas gifts, but really they’re just shopping for themselves.
10. Posting about how much they “love this weather,” while lying in bed.
Talk about the weather because that’s what everyone does whenever it drops below 70º in Florida.
11. Start counting down to Christmas.
“All I want for Christmas is you.”
12. Finally getting to wear ankle booties and knee-highs.
Boots, they are the absolute greatest part of fall. Boots are worn with everything, by everyone, and everywhere, because boots are the greatest.
13. Tweeting about how they want someone to cuddle and watch Netflix with.
There will always be, every year, without fail, social media posts about how a girl wants a boy to cuddle with in fall.
14. Wearing flannel everything, every day.
All girls, every season.
'Tis the season for hoodies, hot chocolate, and sharing it all on social media. Cheers to fall!