"Katie, why did you write an article about the fourth of July even though the fourth of July is over?"
Good question, anonymous reader. This article isn't for those who love the antics of Independence Day, but for those who have to deal with people who love the antics of Independence Day. This article is for people who hate loud noises, who doesn't care for barbeques and those who see the fourth of July as a reminder for the disaster that is, the upcoming 2016 election.
1. Realizing that you didn't make any plans for the big day.
You'll probably remember when someone says, "What are you doing for the fourth of July?" To which you will respond, "Oh, you know. Something. I guess." This is when the panic sets in. You can't just stay home on the fourth of July!
2. Trying to find a fun way to spend Independence Day.
So, if you aren't going to stay home, what are you going to do? Hopefully, your friends are just as YOLO as you are.
3. Finding a friend who invites you to join them.
God bless friends who are willing to let you join in their fun.
4. Then trying to find a decent outfit to wear.
You've got one day, 50 dollars and high expectations. Will you succeed? Probably not. That's why you end up like this...
5. Getting decked out in some crazy, patriotic clothes.
When you can't find a super cute, last minute sundress, you get stuck wearing your American flag t-shirt and tacky red, white and blue socks. It makes for a #fabulous look.
6. And realizing that no one else went with a patriotic-themed outfit.
Try to ignore your fashion faux pas and have fun!
7. Stealing all of the sparklers.
Because sparklers are obviously the best part about the fourth of July.
8. Hurting one of your friends with the sparklers.
Hopefully this doesn't happen. And if it does happen, hopefully it was on accident.
9. Perking up at the sound of fireworks.
For someone who hates fireworks, the sound will instill instantaneous fear and regret.
10. Remembering why you didn't make plans for the fourth of July.
Your subconscious buried all of your past hatred for fourth of July parties in an attempt to protect you. But your subconscious' plan backfired.
11. Trying to convince yourself to stay.
This probably will not work.
12. Trying to explain to your friends why you want to leave.
"How did you forget that you don't like fireworks?" I wish I could explain it, but it happens every year.
13. Getting roasted by your friends who just don't understand.
You probably should have just stayed home.
14. Leaving that place as fast as you can.
There's nothing better than a night at home, snuggled up with your cat. Your friends are missing out on the real party. Maybe you could convince your friends to go see "Independence Day 2" instead!
Next year? Just stay home. #NoShame