Hey Guys,
You did it, congratulations. You are now in the home stretch. Some have two weeks left and other have three. But here you are, staring down the runway to graduation. I wholeheartedly wish I was in the same position as you, to celebrate this special moment in our lives. We withstood some of the most grueling four years of our lives. Your will has been tested, sleep was not had, mental breakdowns seemed to have occurred more often than not, but damn it, you did it. You took everything that life has thrown at your and made it out alive. Some of you look like Swiss cheese, but hey, you got by.
As you look back at these last four years if your life, don't think about all the times where you cried because you didn't understand your ridiculous amounts of homework. Rather, think about all the times where you laughed until you cried, that time where you walked back from the L.A. Cafe because campus caravan was taking way too long. Remember that time where you went in for the kiss and she turned you down. Or you finally made out with that really hot guy who you had been dying to kiss since freshman year.
I guess what I am trying to get at, is that yeah, the bad times may have happened more often, but you the good times will be the ones that you will never forget, or remember. Whichever you prefer, really.
There are a few things you should definitely take away from your four years here:
1. Not everyone is going to like you.
It's a simple fact of life. That's not necessarily a bad thing, though. Once you realize that not only here in school but also out in the "real world", not everyone is meant to be your friend. But keep your friends that you do have, close to you.
2. You don't get second chances
When you are in school, if you are late on an assignment or even miss one, some professors are pretty lenient with letting you turn in something late or make it up. You will find that out there in the "real world" your boss will not ever allow that. So if you haven't already done so, start giving yourself a deadline for when things should be done.
3. Keep your head up
The title says it all. Things aren't always going to work out the way that you want them to, but don't let that deter you from reaching your goal of being successful. You will get knocked down, but get right back up and keep fighting the good fight. Things will fall into place for you. I promise.
As you near the ending of this chapter of your life, don't forgot to thank Google, Wikipedia, and whoever invented Copy and Paste. Because let's be real, none of you would have been able to get by without it. I wish you all the best of luck in this, the upcoming phase of your life. But also take time to cherish these last few weeks.