How To Make The Most Of Your Time With Your Best Friend At The End Of The Semester | The Odyssey Online
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How To Make The Most Of Your Time With Your Best Friend At The End Of The Semester

Get in some quality time before the summer separation.

How To Make The Most Of Your Time With Your Best Friend At The End Of The Semester

So it's the end of the semester and summer is almost here! It's exciting to think that only a few tests and papers stand in between you and an infinite string of lazy summer days--that is until you realize that this also means that there is an infinite string of days without living with your best friend. From ordering Chinese takeout at midnight to laughing too loud on the silent floor of the library, at school you are never apart. But as the end of the semester creeps up, you want to make the most of the time you have together. Only problem is, there is just too much going on to feel like you are spending enough quality time together. Here are four ways to make the most of your time together:

1. Go on a "date" to your favorite restaurant together.

You know the place. That restaurant in town that you are both equally obsessed with and have your orders down pat. You may go all the time or maybe it's a treat because it's a little pricey. Either way, make the time for one last hurrah. Even if you're busy, a girl still has to eat!

2. Take study breaks and go on walks

The weather is finally nice...just in time for you to be locked inside the library all day. Don't let the sunshine go to waste. Take a break and stroll around campus or in the park. The fresh air will do both of you some good and in the mean time, you can gossip.

3. Watch just a few more episodes of "your shows"

Everyone needs time to unwind after a long day of studying. Even if it's really late and you know that you should probably catch up on some sleep, make the time for an episode of that show you watch together (you know, the one all best friends have), or even just half. It won't be the same watching it when you're alone without all the commentary.

4. Participate in one last food binge together

Like all best friends, food is probably the foundation of your friendship and during finals, everyone needs some comfort food. Hit up the school's convenience store on your way back to the room for your favorite junk foods. You can giggle all night as you encourage her to eat just one more spoonful of ice cream.

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