Spring is here, and while most college students welcome the sunshine and warmth with open arms, the rest of us still need to shake off the winter blues. Albany has had a mixture of both cold and warm weather this past winter, but now it is time for the beautiful spring to light up our days. Here are a few ways to savor the spring season and use the extra energy to push through the rest of the semester.
1. Spring Cleaning
We've been shut in our stale and dingy dorms all winter. Papers and books pile up quickly, and so does laundry, which means the place is too messy to be conducive to your learning.
Not only is cleaning helpful to de-clutter your desk, bed and room, but helps to de-clutter your mind as well. Blast some music to help you get through, and once everything is clean, you'd have an organized way to finish off the semester strongly.
2. Opening the blinds and windows!
Let the air back in, let your room breathe again! Use the sunlight to light up your room and bring some sunshine into your system. We've had shorter days and longer nights in the winter, which means we've all been sleepy and unmotivated to do work.
Sunlight and nice warm spring air will not only boost your mood and help you feel calm and focused, but the Vitamin D from direct sunlight will allow you to be energized and awake. You will be surprised how much of a new person you will be when there's more fresh air and natural lighting in your room.
3. More hours means more time to get things done.
The days are longer, which means you'll have more time to do everything on your to-do list. It creates an optimistic view and allows you to have more choices in activities of the day or week. It is easier to find the motivation to do work because it doesn't take up all of the allotted sunlight for the day, as it did during the bleak winter season.
Once you finish that paper and your finished studying, there's still plenty of time left to talk to your friends or to just relax with the warm sun on your back.
4. Going Outside.
Not only is it good to let in fresh air and sunlight into your room, but it's amazing to be able to take a walk and breathe in the spring air. Look at the beautiful flowers blooming, the lovely birds singing and welcome the season of waking up.
Take a break from Netflix and daily naps to hang out on the quad. Grab some smoothies or refreshing teas and plan a hike. It will allow your creative juices to flow and make it better to be motivated to finish that paper because you'll be more active and energized.
You'll find yourself staying in less and going outside to enjoy the fresh air with friends. Maybe even plan a picnic with friends to break out of the winter rut. It's all fresh, so use that sunlight to your advantage and have some Springtime fun!