Formal season is officially upon us! Sorority girls everywhere are beginning to panic as formals quickly approach. If you are the independent, single srat girl, then you are frantically trying to find a date for your formal, or better yet get asked to a boy's formal in the mountains of Gatlinburg, Tennessee. This time is stressful enough, so here are a few ways to get a date for formal with minimal effort.
1. Get paired up with your best friend's boyfriend's best friend.
This is probably the easiest way to get a date. Ask your closest friend's significant other to ask his best friend to be your date. It's a harmless double date without much pressure.
2. Take a blind date that your friend sets you up with.
How else are you going to meet new people?! Ask your sisters if any of their dates has a friend that wants to go along with you guys. That way you do not have to worry about entertaining a guy you like and can focus on having a good time with your sisters!
3. Take a risk, and ask your current hook-up buddy.
As today's hook-up culture becomes more significant for college students, many people are afraid to scare their hook-up buddy by “moving too fast" or “making it too serious." But I say go for it! If he is a decent human being, he will not turn down free alcohol and you in a hot dress.
And if all else fails...
4. Bring your best girl friend in a different sorority.
This way you have no pressure, no effort and you can have a carefree time with one of your best friends!