I am a Christian, and I love Christmas. I love the fact that it celebrates Jesus's birth, but I also love all the other stuff about it. I love the pretty lights, Santa, family, and presents. I will also be the first to admit that I sometimes get so caught up by all the other stuff I talked about that I forget what Christmas is meant to celebrate. I know other Christians do, too. Here are some ways Christians can focus their Christmas more on Jesus while also enjoying the other stuff.
1. Read the Biblical Accounts of Jesus's Birth.
This one is one of the most obvious things you can do. Open your Bible and read what the Bible says about His birth. Don't just read the Gospel accounts, though. Read the prophecies of His birth. Read about why He came.
2. Just stop and think about the magnitude of what we are celebrating.
We have heard the story of His birth so many times that sometimes we forget to take in just how amazing it is. THE GOD OF THE UNIVERSE came down to earth and became a human for us. Just stop and take in how incredible that is.
3. Don't forget the Christmas hymns.
Listen to some Christmas hymns along with the "Rudolph" and "All I Want for Christmas is You". Listen to classics like "Away in a Manger" and "Mary, Did You Know?", and newer songs like "Where's The Line to See Jesus?".
4. Listen to a Christmas sermon or two.
There are some amazing preachers that post all their content online. One of my favorites is John Macarthur. Look up some preachers and listen to their content on Christmas.
Well, there are just four of many ways that Christians can remember the reason for the season. Everyone have a Merry Christmas!