1. Get Some Sleep and Take Care of Yourself:
If you’re anything like me, you’re probably spending every waking moment of the past few weeks studying for the countless exams and assignments. But you need to be well rested to do well on your exams. Not getting enough sleep can negatively affect your memory and increase your stress levels, both of which can be counterproductive. Take time from your days studying, but don’t sacrifice most of your sleep time, to fit in more studying. Resting longer hours is linked to higher test scores. Sleeping and High Test Scores, every college students dream!
2. Schedule Your Time Wisely:
I know, it seems weird to schedule a “break” or a slot for “dinner,” but making this schedule can help you stay on top of your studying and homework. In fact, I’m typing this article during my break, because I couldn’t fit it in anywhere else. It may seem like a hard thing to do, but following a quick schedule of your day can help you stay focused and on top of things! If you don’t have a lot of time for a break, take it anyway. If my break was longer, I would definitely write more than 4 tips!
3. Attend Study Sessions:
The only way to learn even more is to study with different people. By attending all study sessions that your school offers, you are opening yourself up to even more knowledge. Does your school not offer a study session? Make your own with other classmates. If you want to study more, it’s guaranteed that they want to study more too! So, make a group, find a group, take notes, and get ready to kill that final!
4. Don’t Cram!!!
Cramming for an exam, is by far the worst thing you can do to survive a final! You stress so much while cramming, ultimately making you lose concentration. Break up the material you need to study, and space it out. You’re trying to memorize so many things at once, your mind will not be able to take it all in at once. Balance your study life and your outside life, cramming never helped anyone. Make note cards, split up your review questions and readings, and take breaks in between. Refer to tip number two about why scheduling is important!
These tips can help anyone with finals, I know they’ve helped me, so get busy, study hard, sleep well, and Good Luck!