Although our generation has grown up with a lot of new technology, we have also grown up with a lot of problems that may have existed before but have become much more possible. We have vast ways to find out new information or news, but we also have many ways to make this world all about our own personal selves. We constantly argue with each other online in an attempt to give our opinion worth, and we post pictures like our followers are just desperately thirsting for a look into our lives. However, none of this is relevant to living our own lives. We are so opposed with proving our worth to one another, that many of us don't even care if we're worth anything to ourselves. Our generation still has great thinkers and doers, but we so often become obsessed with others that we forget our own skills.
The first problem I have with our generation is how we are trying to completely get rid of consequences. Whether it's getting rid of an unborn child due to our own acts or trying to blame the police for enforcing a law we broke, we just can't seem to take responsibility for our own actions. Even when college students choose to drink, they expect their friends to take care of them. If you are choosing to drink, you can take care of yourself by either choosing against it or just by demonstrating some self control.
The second problem I have with our generation is how important our social media pages are to us. We must document our lives so much that we hardly get to enjoy the moment while it's happening. After we document it, we're so obsessed with who has seen it or liked it. I don't know about anyone else, but I personally don't care about what anyone else does and I think I'm a happier person because of it. Instead of being concerned with how cool our lives look to others, we should be concerned with how we are getting the most out of our lives.
The third problem I have with our generation is how we are so concerned with other people's opinions. If someone tells you that you can't do something because of your race or religion or appearance, you don't have to have a thirty minute discussion on equality. Just go out and do whatever you were going to do. We often let the opinions of others run our lives and distract us from what we want.
The fourth problem I have with our generation is how we can't let anyone else have an opinion. Opinions are always important until someone has one that disagrees with our own. Instead of trying to shoot down what other people think, we should not care about it. Trying to change one person's opinion on Facebook will not do anything for you in the long run.