4 Pretty, Pretty, Pretty... Pretty Good Life Lessons | The Odyssey Online
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4 Pretty, Pretty, Pretty... Pretty Good Life Lessons

4 Pretty, Pretty, Pretty... Pretty Good Life Lessons

If you've never seen "Curb Your Enthusiasm," please take a moment to reevaluate your life. Larry David, the bald a**hole, is like the old family member who is so set in their ways that you can't take them anywhere because you're afraid they will offend someone or embarrass you, but you still love them (of course). This audacious man can teach all of us a thing or two, though.

1. If you're thinking it, just say it.

There's no reason to tip-toe around peoples' feelings anymore, because these days, if you offend someone, they'll be sure to let you know—whether it's right after you say it or hours later through a passive-aggressive post on Facebook. Needless to say, be open and speak your mind.

Have you ever been in a restaurant or at a mall or maybe even in a movie theatre and you pass by someone still wearing sunglasses? I completely understand ocular ailments or disabilities as cause for spectacles, but other than that...I've always wanted to ask, a**holes, can you even see?

2. Have no shame.

We live in a technology-driven world where every website, blog, and social media network seems to tell all of us how to live, dress, act, and eat; consequently, if we don't follow these norms, then we feel strange, almost like an outcast. However, it's important to remember that it's okay to go against the current and do your own thing; be original, be proud, and do what you want to do.

So, if you want to use a tampon to help a nose bleed, then do it. Who said you can't?

Exactly, Larry, I don't see anything wrong with it, either. In fact, if you do see something wrong with it, that's your problem.

3. Embrace the small victories.

Many of us spend our days working toward goals we've set, stressing and pushing ourselves to the limits. Sadly, this forces some of us to stop enjoying the journey because we are only looking at the bigger picture.

Have you ever made plans and secretly hoped they would fall through because you're exhausted and would, quite frankly, rather spend your evening alone on your couch?

Indeed, this is one of those small victories. Because, like Larry, I would probably rather be alone anyways.

4. Be honest.

"Honestly is always the best policy," says every administrator and parent ever. I must agree and reiterate the famous cliche, the truth will set you free. If you lie about something, aren't you nervous that you're going to forget you lied and then eventually get caught? Or maybe you lied one time and then you find yourself lying again to keep up with the first lie? It sounds exhausting, right? Right. Not to mention, it's also extremely important to be honest with yourself. For instance, look at how honest Larry is being with himself and others:

Well said, Sir David. Personally, I think everyone should have a friend like Larry.

This next picture demonstrates how sometimes it can be difficult to be honest because you're afraid that those around you may be judgmental; if you're ever feeling like that, just remember this picture (and number 2: have no shame)...

It's pretty, pretty, pretty... pretty good.

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