Repeat after me: It will be okay.
In my daily life there are so many circumstances I'm surrounded with that seem impossible. But not only do I have to remind myself that it's normal to feel out of control sometimes, but I also have to realize that I made it through situations that felt impossible before...and I'll do it again.
I've learned that life isn't simply about having control over every situation, or even how I feel 100% of the time; it's about learning to allow things to fall into place and draw strength from knowing that I've survived this far, and I still have a ways to go.
For example, when I was 16 I started a long-distance relationship that lasted until I was 21--five years! All along the way I constantly told myself that I wasn't strong enough or experienced enough to be a part of that journey and heartache at times. However, I learned that even though it didn't end the way I thought it would--it was okay. And it allowed me to experience more in life today than I ever thought I would. All I had to do during those five years was realize that it was going to be okay, no matter what happened. Because sometimes the experience, although not ending in the expected result, is exactly what you need to go through to become who you need to be today.
So my advice to you today and always is simply this: go about your day. Don't be afraid of messing up or making mistakes. Swallow your pride and realize that when you know better, you will do better. But for now, enjoy who you are in this moment and the experiences that will make you who you will be tomorrow, a year, or a lifetime away from now.
Just recognize and remind yourself of these four words: it will be okay. You will be okay.