Eating healthy is a goal many try to obtain, but often find it to be too difficult, especially in a college setting. Getting health benefits from your food does not have to mean eating Kale for every meal and can be much easier than you think. I’ve listed some of my favorite foods that are super easy to incorporate in your every day diet, even if you’re busy. They are all packed with health benefits and make eating healthy a breeze.
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is something I absolutely swear by. With so many uses and health benefits, there is no reason it shouldn’t be a part of your diet.
Benefits: Can prevent heart disease and high blood pressure, cures UTI’s and kidney infections, can protect the liver, reduces inflammation and arthritis, can prevent cancer, boosts the immune system, improves memory and brain function, increases energy, improves diabetes and can even help you lose weight.
Uses: I like to get my coconut oil fix in by adding some to my tea or coffee. It adds a slightly nutty flavor without changing the consistency of the drink. I put in about a teaspoon when the drink is at it’s hottest, and add anything else I prefer. Coconut oil is also my preferred oil to cook with. Instead of butter, canola or olive oil, grease your pan with some coconut oil for some added health benefits to your morning eggs or veggies. Not to mention it works incredibly as a face or hair mask.
Chia Seeds
Another absolute essential when it comes to the grocery list. These seeds may be little, but they are packed with nutrition and are insanely easy to sneak into your diet.
Benefits: They can speed up the skin repair system, thus preventing aging, can support digestive health, heart health, can cure diabetes, boost energy and metabolism, promote bone health, fight certain cancers, help build muscle and of course everyone’s favorite, lose weight.
Uses: Since chia seeds are so little and virtually tasteless, you can sneak them into just about anything without it making a difference in the taste. My favorite ways are adding them to my smoothies before blending, putting them in my avocado spread and putting them in my yogurt along with some granola. Many people also make chia pudding, which requires a little more work, but is still delicious and incredibly healthy.
This one may sound simple, but adding some lemon juice here and there can do wonders for your body.
Benefits: Can strengthen the immune system, flushes out toxins, balances PH levels in the body, strengthens liver, prevents infection and disease, can help cure the common cold and aids digestion.
Uses: I’m aware that eating a lemon or drinking straight lemon juice isn’t exactly considered “easy.” So some simpler ways of getting these benefits are by always drinking your water with a lemon wedge. This isn’t just for looks; putting lemon juice in your water is a very simple way of incorporating these little guys into your diet. Another is instead of morning coffee, make yourself a hot cup of water and add some lemon juice. This boosts metabolism first thing and gets the body going and ready for the day.
Green Tea
Not only is it delicious and relaxing, this drink can also provide you with many unexpected health benefits by drinking a cup or two a day.
Benefits: Can prevent aging, prevent disease, improve brain function, increases fat burning and improves physical performance, may lower your risk of various types of cancer, may protect your brain in old age and prevent Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, it kills bacteria which improves dental health, may lower your risk of type II diabetes and cardiovascular disease, and yet again, can also help you lose weight and lower your risk of becoming obese.
Uses: The way you can incorporate this one is pretty simple, by drinking it. Keep quality green tea bags around for a hot cup or if you prefer it cold or iced, buy chilled all natural, unsweetened green tea for the same benefits. If you prefer it sweet, then you can add some all-natural honey for even more benefits.
Some of these may seem like simple, trivial tips, but incorporating these foods into your diet can make all the difference to your health and the beauty is, it is beyond simple to do. These foods offer a quick and easy way to add some nutrition to your diet and even lose some weight. You can easily store them in a dorm, apartment or really anywhere and they are quick and easy to use. Now there is no excuses and nothing stopping you from improving your diet for your health and well-being.