I am the last person to be writing on anything scary; I hate scary. Anything from a movie, book, TV show, commercial that makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck and I am out. So naturally Halloween does not seem to be my cup of tea, but there are some "scary", and not scary ideas for your Halloween costume this year.
Spoiler: The majority of these ideas are based on TV shows.
1. Eleven from Stranger Things. But let's be real, there's a lot of characters from the show who would make a great Halloween costume. Even the demagorgen.
2. A character from Orange is the New Black. Any of them . All you need is an orange jumpsuit. Or be naked. No, don't do that.
3. Get two of your closet friends and be the Styleboyz from the movie Popstar. Just make sure you can do the donkey roll well.
4. And the scariest person you could possibly go as this year is Donald Trump. Please don't do this unless it's a form of mockery. Otherwise, you are scaring me.
But my biggest piece of advice to readers everywhere, DO NOT go as a clown. Especially if you live in small town Arkansas, too many people own guns and aren't afraid to fire them. Also, overly terrifying. Children will run from you. As will I.