I don't know about the rest of you ladies and gents, but the semester is finally over and winter break is here at last. It's time for those dreadfully glorious holiday parties! But whatever shall you wear? Pinterest has your back.
Here are the four all time greatest ugly Christmas sweaters you can wear this holiday season.
1. The dual function
Talk about your conversation starter. Everyone is going to be wondering how you got so crafty this season after they see you shakin' your tree limbs in this mega fine sweater. AND it's so easy and cheap to make! Buy a forest green sweater, some tinsel (whatever color you feel like rockin'), a $5 bucket of ornaments and whatever you feel like holding the rest of the night (a star, an angel, some beer... maker's choice).
The best part, it's multi-functional! In the left picture, we have a girl ready to mingle and jingle with her friends. On the right, we have a girl who just saw someone she really doesn't want to talk to and is now in full camouflage.
*hint* *hint* perfect for those awkward work holiday parties!
2. The beer belly deception
This one just might be my favorite. I love to eat because oh my god food is amazing, especially at those pesky Christmas parties where there's a mountain of mashed potatoes and a dessert table a mile long. Not to mention ALL YOU CAN DRINK EGGNOG!!! For food lovers, it's heaven shoved into a couple of hours and a house full of somewhat familiar faces.
But there's teensy tiny problem in this calorie-crammed dreamland... food babies. That damn bulge we all get from stuffing our faces. Nothing is worse than fashioning a banging outfit... and a mac n cheese tumor.
Luckily, someone somewhere developed one of the most amazing inventions in human history that will change holiday parties every. It's a snow globe ugly Christmas sweater.
I mean, just look at that cheery guy up there! Is it the eggnog or is it that stylish snow globe? We may never know... and that's the point.
3. For that funny couple
Well, there's really not much explaining I need to do for this one. A pictures worth a thousands words, and this one is definitely not exception.
Look, it's Christmas. People are on vacation, they're hanging with friends, drinking... and then drinking some more. Things are always going to be nice. People are going to get a little naughty, and hey, 'tis the season.
So for the couple and people in general who like all eyes on them, this is definitely up your alley, chimney, or something else punny/witty... clearly I'm not funny enough for reindeer boobs.
4. Christmas Couture
Well, you'll definitely be the only one wearing this one... but for how long is the question. That thing is bound to get itchy. BUT you'll be the only glamorous person at the ugly Christmas sweater party. And this high class clothing item is ridiculously cheap. Pull out an old sweater, smother it in tinsel (whatever compliments your eyes, of course) and once again, bring out the $5 dollar ornament bucket, and you're ready to turn heads and drops jaws... but maybe wear a turtle neck and some long sleeves because no outfit is worth being itchy all night, no matter how cute or creative it is.