Breaking news this week, NASA found seven planets surrounding a star. However, there are only three of them that are in the 'habitual zone' that our own planet is in. How cool is that?!? There are planets' that could have possible life on them! That or they're life-sustaining planets that we could possible go to should the earth become unhabitual due to nuclear fallout, pollution, you know, something we did to mess this up...
...Or in the far, far future when our sun swallows us whole from expanding...
There are some differences between us and these other planets. Like for starters, the sun that these planets are rotating around is called a Red Dwarf/M-Dwarf, and they last much, much longer than our type of star. It's also a lot cooler, for instance, our sun is about 15 million degrees kelvin, but Red Dwarves average around 4000 degrees kelvin. The planet's years are also different then ours. The closet planet's lasts only about a day and a half of our year, while the farthest planet's rotation lasts about 20 day of our yearly rotation.
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