Have you ever found yourself feeling lost? It’s a subtle feeling, one that’s there but only just barely. Whispering in your ear this feeling of something missing.
We’ve all wanted to feel like we belong, it’s part of us as humans. We were designed to be together. You see in some way we’re all searching for a place to belong, a place of refuge, and a place of rest.
A few years ago I was unaware that I was searching for these things, but I had this feeling, the subtle one, that something was missing. I didn’t ignore the feeling, I just filled the hole with things that I thought would curve the hunger. We’ve all been there, filling our days with Netflix, books, food, alcohol, people; all these things we throw into this hole but none of them suffice. Why is that?
Well we have the right idea, filling the hole I mean, but we keep missing the mark.
The answer to filling the hole is Jesus, but it’s not that simple, this I have come to discover.
Community, fellowship, this is part of your answer. You see Jesus is the sand that fills the hole completely, every grain completely filling the smallest of cracks and crevices. But what helps us continually fill the hole with an endless supply of Jesus? It’s our community and it’s the fellowship.
These places, they are present and they are taking the world by storm. Each community is a piece of a revival that is changing lives every day. I’m lucky to not only have found my community, Aggies for Christ and The University Church of Christ but to be a part of it.
Let me tell you about a people, a place, that has discovered the answer; that have decided to take up a sword and shield and charge into a battle that so many are unaware is taking place.
You see these people have created a place, one that has grown and flourished and that is sparking a light in the hearts of so many you are practically blinded when walking into the room. I have seen men and woman alike go from a student sitting in the back listening to a message of God so gracefully delivered by one of His warriors, to becoming a voice themselves. Spreading the good news.
I have found a place where my broken and pained soul can find refuge, where it can be still, where it can find rest; and I am not alone in my discovery. I have seen so many of those I love who have discovered something more, who have seen this Joy coming out of a place where their sole purpose is to love like Jesus.
So my advice to someone who is looking to fill this hole that is subtly gnawing at you, find a community. They are everywhere you just have to be willing to look.
To Matt Schalk and Charlton Taylor you have sparked a fire in so many, you’ve created a safe place, and you are part of restoring a revival.
To the leaders in my community and those leading in other communities, you are part of the revival, the battle that has been waging longer than any of us. It’s an important one and it’s taking the world by storm.
Don’t be afraid to be the change that we so long to see in the world.