Six weeks.
I had six weeks off for my holiday break, thanks to an optional January term that I opted out of. Three weeks in and it was miserable.
The misery was not due to the fact that I have to move back in with my family after almost four months of living on my own, but it was because I missed the school I chose to call my home. I was more than excited to come home and have a break from the dorm life, excited to actually eat a real meal, but now that I'm halfway through my vacation I would give anything to go back.
I realized that because I wanted to go back so badly, I knew that I found the right school. I knew that I made the right friends, set the right track for me to follow, and made the right decision in moving away from home. It was a huge step that I had to take to better myself and venture out of my comfort zone.
It was great to resume my job and meet up with old friends that I felt like I had not seen in forever, but I can't wait to be back on my small campus and enjoying the crazy weather that Oregon has to offer. I can't wait to be able to have my own room back and be able to wake up and walk 2 minutes to get a nice cup of Starbucks coffee every morning.
Second semester awaits me and I am more than excited to get back to my school and continue my college education.