I do not believe that everything happens for a reason. No one exists on purpose, things just are the way they are. However, I cannot help but think that I was meant to be a therapist.
We are born with a burning passion for something, and not all of us are lucky enough to find it in our short brutish lives. My passion was discovered through other people.
In my 20 years of living, people have always liked to not only talk to me, but open up to me. I mean really pour their heart out.
When my dad was diagnosed with cancer, he didn’t talk about it much. He kept it to himself, until he no longer had the option, due to his sickness physically appearing, and his body slowly shutting down. My dad would always be the one who showed his strength. He never let anything bother him. But after some time, he needed to vent and let out some of his bottled up emotion. He turned to me. Out of everyone he knew, he came to his seventeen year old daughter to talk to, and that will forever be the greatest compliment I ever receive. Every day, he would ask me to take a walk with him, and he would talk as I would listen. And although my dad was terminally ill, and I knew my time was limited with him, I spent time listening, and this made both of us a little happier, given our very sad circumstances.
My mother comes to me for advice about love and loneliness and loss and heartache. She values my opinion, because she knows I am always there to listen to hers, even if I do not personally agree with it. Whenever I meet a new person, somehow I learn about their hardships and bits and pieces of their life story very quickly. I happen to be an easy person to talk to, and I openly express my trust-worthiness and gratitude I have for people. My sister, who just recently got engaged, comes to me to talk about her thoughts on marriage, and asks for advice on her relationship. We talk about sentiment and communication, the two ingredients for a thriving and healthy marriage (something I have never experienced). I have always been the listener, and never the one to open up first. I love to listen and learn about a person’s life because I will never be bored. Each story is different and unique and fascinating and this is what I want to do for the rest of my life. I want to help people by being there for them. Therapy can change and save lives, and it is always there as an option for those who need a listener every once in a while. As I see it, I have been doing my own form of therapy ever since I was a child, and I don’t plan on stopping any time soon.
Some people like to skateboard or paint, maybe strum their guitar or go to the gym. But me?
I just like to listen.