Neither of us really thought it was meant to be.
Nevertheless, here we are.
We'd sort of known each other over the years—well, at least, known ofeach other. I'd visited once or twice some time ago, but I hardly think it noticed. I was awe-struck, totally beside myself with pure, unadulterated amazement that first day we met. It was beautiful! And it smelled like a shoe store, like it was new, like it was clean and fresh and inviting.
Of course, as most relationships go, I soon discovered that sweat, B.O., and the occasional rude guy in joggers who causally farts as he walks by you are all a part of the gym. But I still love it (not you, bougie joggers guy. That was awful and I will never forget it).
Still, it was slow going. After all, nobody's ever trained in these kinds of things. I had to get used to its awkward hours and slightly (okay, more than slightly) intimidating Buff Arms Lift Here™ areas, it had to get used to not seeing me for days on end. But it was last October that changed everything.
I'd finally committed.
You see, I've never really stuck with something (or someone, if we're being honest here), ever. Of course, the occasion of relational commitment never really arose, but all the same, I decided that I would make a firm commitment of at least every other day. Or something like that. I didn't want stretch myself too thin.
It's been great so far! We look pretty good together. The gym doesn't judge me for "not quite running, but not quite walking," or leaving with a beet-red face and giant sweat stains the size of, well, my entire shirt. It doesn't care (or perhaps it can't tell the original color of the shirt anyway). All it cares is that I show up, and I do.
It's made me so much of a better person. I feel stronger. Lighter. I can run faster. They say relationships make you happier, and I can definitely attest to that. We lift each other up when life gets heavy, and I think that's what matters.
We try to have all sorts of fun, mix it up, you know? I know it sounds cliché, but we're terribly creative—definitely not your run-of-the-mill couple. Weights are still pretty intimidating, but, you know, some things you just have to ease into. Let happen naturally.
Winter Break—oh, Lord. It was so hard. I hated being away for so long—nothing back home could compare! I admit, I tried out my high school track—oh, but it was so cold outside! I couldn't. I had to get back to college, back to the gym.
As most long-distance relationships go, I suppose the anticipation made our reunion all the sweeter, and our bond all the stronger. You could say it's getting pretty serious nowadays, but I think we'll just take our time. I'm sure everything will work out.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that I never thought I'd find love. Really, I mean it. But love can find us in such unexpected ways.
(So, who cares about getting flowers and chocolate on Valentine's Day? Bitch, please, I'm going to the gym).