Being in love is a wonderful thing, and when it’s with the right person, life can be amazing. I’ve had the pleasure of being with the one I love for two years now, and I’m glad to say I have found this connection in my best friend that I know will last forever. He’s my lobster.
These emotions can be mysterious, and people can’t always tell if their feelings are turning into love. It’s confusing, and with Valentine’s Day quickly approaching, you’ll want to know if you’re spending time with the one you truly love. So how do you know you’ve found your “lobster”?
They’ll always be on your mind.
It’s cliché, but they’re the first person you think of in the morning and your last thought before bed. You can’t help but wonder what they are up to as you’re sitting in a meeting or remember the amazing memories you both made as you eat your lunch in the same small café where you had your first date. Love will teach you about compromise.
No matter how selfish you may be, you’ll be willing to compromise because the person you love’s happiness is so much more important than whether or not you’re right. (Girls usually won’t admit that they’re wrong or be willing to compromise, so guys, don’t take advantage!)
It’s not about the “butterflies” with them.
Love is when you can touch each other and feel a sense of security rather than jitteriness. When you feel uncertain about trying something new, you can find comfort from something as simple as hand holding. Feeling their skin is enough to send a shiver down your spine while bringing you reassurance.
You’re best friends.
They are the first person you go to with good news because you know they’ll be happy for you. They’re the one you go to for advice because they know you the best. You want to spend all your time just being together. You could sit side-by-side staring at a wall and feel satisfied because being in their presence is enough to bring a smile to your face.
No matter how weird the circumstances were when you met, you didn’t let anyone try to talk you out of going for it. You always knew this was the person for you. There was a little voice in your head saying ‘Keep this person in your life. They’re going to be so important.’
People are in awe that you two have stayed together.
A good percentage of relationships end after a couple of years, but you both are in it for the long run. It’s the two of you forever, and your connection is what couples strive to find.
You share everything with them.
Ideas, opinions, values…and then more casual things like clothes, food, and each other’s time. You go out to grab some coffee? Your lobster is invited. If you have to go to a wedding, you can bet they took that day off just to keep you sane. No matter how big or small the event is, it could always improve if your significant other is present.
You and your lobster are a package deal.
You are always put together because others assume that is what you want, and it is! You two have always been a dynamic duo, and people support that.
Talking about the future isn’t scary.
Most couples freak out when discussing their relationship, but you two have a blast talking about the fun stuff and not stressing. It’s usually stupid stuff like deciding what kid names won’t even be considered. You even think about ways to have fun together as you age.
Your significant other obviously isn’t perfect, and yet, you love them. Maybe they’re bossy and loud. Maybe they have certain ticks and tendencies that drive you nuts but mean everything to them. You are there to love everything about them, and they always show the same love and affection toward the things that are important to you.
They’ll be there for you
‘cause you’re there for them too.